
R package for transductive inference in linear and generalized linear models

Primary LanguageR


R package that implements conditional transductive inference for lm and glm models. Details of conditional and transductive inference is in this paper. The current implementation uses the influence function from lm() and glm() in R and two-fold cross-fitting for conditional standard error estimation.


  1. The devtools package has to be installed. You can install it using install.packages("devtools").
  2. The latest development version can then be installied using devtools::install_github("ying531/transinf").

Basic usage

Suppose one would like to transfer the linear model Y~X to a new population, and there is a covariate shift on attributes Z, a subset of the original covariates. Let Z.new store the new attributes, data be the original dataset containing Y and X (column names for the attributes in Z should be consistent in Z.new and data). Then simply run the original linear model with lm(). The transfer function in our package takes the lm() object as input and transfer it to the new population.

lm.mdl = lm(Y~., data = data) 
tlm.mdl = transfer(lm.mdl, newdata = Z.new)

By default, the transfer() function transfers all the coefficients in the lm() model. The usage is the same for glm() models. Below is an example for logistic regression.

glm.mdl = lm(Y~., family = 'binomial', data = data) 
tglm.mdl = transfer(glm.mdl, newdata = Z.new)

For details on the statistical inference procedure and theory, see our paper. For details on the usage, see the Documentation and Examples parts below.

Why our method

We illustrate the necessity of using our method when there is a covariate shift and covariates from the target distribution are observed. Before talking about conditional inference, we look at the conventional setting where the target is a super-population parameter. We will use the example of ordinary least squares (OLS) under covariate shifts.

In our simulation setting, there is an unknown covariate shift on all the regression variables from the training to the target distribution. The covariate shift gives 'weights' to the training data. We have access to the original dataset of size n=1000, and the covariates of the new dataset of size m=1000. From Monte Carlo, the true super-population parameter under the target distribution is 1.0930.

All the codes are in example.R, where gen.data() generates synthetic datasets, weight.simu.oracle(seed) runs weighted OLS with true weights, weight.simu.fitted(seed) runs weighted OLS with fitted weights, weight.simu(seed) runs our procedure (an equivalent implementation as the package). To run all the experiments below, simply load the file example.R.

If the weights are known, one could run weighted OLS and get valid coverage, as follows:

> res.orc = sapply(1:1000, weight.simu.oracle)
> mean( (1.0930 >= (res.orc[1,] -  res.orc[2,]*qnorm(0.975))) *
+         (1.0930 <= (res.orc[1,] +  res.orc[2,]*qnorm(0.975))) )
[1] 0.953

In practice the weights are typically unknown. The common way is to run weighted OLS with fitted weights, i.e., first fit a weight (perhaps using machine learning), and then run OLS with weights on the training set. The following codes uses regression_forest from the grf package to fit the weights and then construct confidence intervals with weighted OLS.

> res.fitted = sapply(1:1000, weight.simu.fitted)
> mean( (1.0930 >= (res.fitted[1,] -  res.fitted[2,]*qnorm(0.975))) *
+         (1.0930 <= (res.fitted[1,] +  res.fitted[2,]*qnorm(0.975))) )
[1] 0.870

There is severe undercover. This is because the weights often cannot be estimated accurately, incurring a bias which is much larger than the asymptotic variance.

Our method builds confidence intervals around an estimator with a correction term. This allows us to conduct root-n inference when the weights are estimated at a lower rate. The weights are still estimated with regression_forest from the grf package.

> res.trans = sapply(1:1000, weight.simu.trans)
> mean( (1.0930 >= (res.trans[1,] -  res.trans[2,]*qnorm(0.975))) *
+         (1.0930 <= (res.trans[1,] +  res.trans[2,]*qnorm(0.975))) )
[1] 0.946

We indeed obtain valid coverage with moderate sample sizes. Indeed, our confidence intervals are even shorter than the previous two methods (without correction). We note that this is not a general rule: our confidence intervals might be longer if the size of the new datset, m, is smaller.

mean.len.orc = mean(res.orc[2,])
mean.len.fitted = mean(res.fitted[2,])
mean.len.trans = mean(res.trans[2,])

c(mean.len.orc, mean.len.fitted, mean.len.trans)

[1] 0.04468186 0.04383533 0.04223867

Furthermore, if you would like to infer parameters about a finite population with observed covariates, turning to conditional parameter allows for shorter confidence intervals and conditional validity.


[1] 0.03998838


  cond.newdata = NULL,
  param = NULL,
  wts = NULL,
  alg = "loess",
  random.seed = NULL,
  other.params = NULL,
  folds = NULL, 
  verbose = TRUE

This function takes a fitted lm() or glm() object as input, and transfers it to a new population. You also need to specify df.new, the covariate shift attributes in the new population. Please make sure the column names are consistent across the data used in lm() or glm() and in df.new.

Arguments Description
object An lm() or glm() object that fits the original regression
newdata Dataframe for covariate shift attributes for the new population
cond.newdata Dataframe for the new conditioning set; default to be df.new if not provided; can be a subset of df.new
param The coefficients to conduct transductive inference; default to be all the original coefficients in mdl if not provided; can be a mixture of string names and integer indices
wts Optional, pre-specified covariate shift (weights); if not given, we automatically fit using grf package
alg Optional, a string for name of algorithm in fitting the conditional mean of influence functions, current options include 'loess' and 'grf'
random.seed Optional, random seed for sample splitting
other.params Optional, other parameters for the regression algorithm; can include span and degree for loess
folds Optional, a list of two folds of indices for sample splitting; can be useful to control sample splitting
verbose Optimal, TRUE by default; print the summary if verbose==TRUE

If weights is not given, or you would like to use alg = 'grf' as the regressor, the R package grf is required to be installed.

Output Description
trans.coef Estimate for new conditional parameters
trans.std.err Standard errors for transductive inference
trans.pval P-values for transductive inference (testing whether the new conditional parameter is zero)
trans.ci.low Lower 0.95-confidence bound for the new (transductive) conditional parameter
trans.ci.upp Upper 0.95-confidence bound for the new (transductive) conditional parameter
sup.std.err Standard errors for super-population inference using our method
sup.pval P-values for super-population parameter (testing for whether the new super-population parameter is zero) using our method, built around trans.coef)
summary Summary table of the model fitting results; the printed result for verbose=TRUE


Transductive inference for linear models

The following example works out transductive inference of linear regression coefficients (setting param=1 selects the intercept) for a well-specified linear model. We use grf to fit the conditional mean functions of the influence function. By default, the covariate shifts hold for the attributes in Z (containing 'X1' and 'x2'), and we conduct Z-conditional inference.

> X = matrix(rnorm(1000*10), nrow=1000)
> Y = X %*% matrix(c(1,2,3,rep(0,10-3)), ncol=1) + rnorm(1000) * 0.1 
> dat = data.frame(cbind(Y, data.frame(X)))
> colnames(dat)[1] = "Y" 
> new.Z = data.frame(matrix(runif(500*2), nrow=500)*2-1) 
> colnames(new.Z) = c("X1", "X2")
> lm.mdl = lm(Y~., data = dat)
> transfer(lm.mdl, newdata=new.Z, param=c(1,"X1","X2"), alg='grf') 

Summary of transductive inference in linear models

            Trans. Estimate Trans. Std. Error Trans. Pr(>|z|) Sup. Std. Error Sup. Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)    -0.005514753         0.1458162       0.2317085       0.1461592     0.2328055
X1              0.994471361         0.2164838       0.0000000       0.2172301     0.0000000
X2              1.994978628         0.2250008       0.0000000       0.2254147     0.0000000

In the above summary, Trans. Estimate is the transductive estimator for the new conditional parameter, Trans. Std. Err is the estimated standard error for inferring the new conditional parameter, and Trans. Pr(>|z|) is the p-value for testing whether the new conditional parameter is zero. Sup. Std. Error and Sup. Pr(>|z|) are the standard error and p-value for the super-population parameter built around Trans. Estimate. We note that this is different from weighted OLS.

The following example conducts conditional inference for a misspecified linear model. The regression algorithm is grf and we focus on the coefficients for the first coefficient (the intercept), "X1", and "X2".

> X = matrix(rnorm(1000*10), nrow=1000)
> Y = X %*% matrix(c(1,2,3,rep(0,10-3)), ncol=1) + X[,1]**2 + rnorm(1000) * 0.1
> dat = data.frame(cbind(Y, data.frame(X)))
> colnames(dat)[1] = "Y" 
> new.Z = data.frame(matrix(runif(500*2), nrow=500)*2-1) 
> colnames(new.Z) = c("X1", "X2")
> lm.mdl = lm(Y~., data = data.frame(X))
> transfer(lm.mdl, newdata=new.Z, param=c(1,"X1","X2"), alg="grf")

Summary of transductive inference in linear models

            Trans. Estimate Trans. Std. Error Trans. Pr(>|z|) Sup. Std. Error Sup. Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)       0.3588687         0.2018726               0       0.4776382 8.773232e-125
X1                1.0103193         0.5844082               0       1.0553311 2.520910e-201
X2                2.0365865         0.4261175               0       0.7712821  0.000000e+00

Transductive inference for generalized linear models

The following example works out transductive inference for parameters from a well-specified logistic model, and the weights are estimated. The regression algorithm is loess, with default span=0.75 and degree=2. We focus on the coefficients for the second variable ("X1").

> X = matrix(rnorm(1000*10), nrow=1000)
> logit.x = X %*% matrix(c(1,2,3,rep(0,10-3)), ncol=1) + rnorm(1000) * 0.1
> Y = rbinom(1000, 1, exp(logit.x)/(1+exp(logit.x))) 
> dat = data.frame(cbind(Y, data.frame(X)))
> colnames(dat)[1] = "Y"   
> new.Z = data.frame(matrix(runif(500*2), nrow=500)*2-1)
> glm.mdl = glm(Y~., family='binomial', data=dat)
> transfer(glm.mdl, newdata=new.Z, param=c("X1"), alg='loess')

Summary of transductive inference in generalized linear models

   Trans. Estimate Trans. Std. Error Trans. Pr(>|z|) Sup. Std. Error Sup. Pr(>|z|)
X1        1.041567          7.403832    8.640142e-06        7.415148  8.917361e-06

This is an example of conditional inference for parameters from a misspecified logistic regression model. The regression algorithm is grf. We focus on the coefficients for variable "X3" and the third variable ("X2").

> X = matrix(rnorm(1000*10), nrow=1000)
> logit.x = X %*% matrix(c(1,2,3,rep(0,10-3)), ncol=1) + X[,1]**2 + rnorm(1000) * 0.1
> Y = rbinom(1000, 1, exp(logit.x)/(1+exp(logit.x))) 
> dat = data.frame(cbind(Y, data.frame(X)))
> colnames(dat)[1] = "Y"  
> new.Z = data.frame(matrix(runif(500*2), nrow=500)*2-1) 
> glm.mdl = glm(Y~., family='binomial', data=dat)
> transfer(glm.mdl, newdata=new.Z, param=c("X3",3), alg='grf')

Summary of transductive inference in generalized linear models

   Trans. Estimate Trans. Std. Error Trans. Pr(>|z|) Sup. Std. Error Sup. Pr(>|z|)
X3        3.150276          7.151847    4.202572e-44        7.202032  1.627970e-43
X2        2.021570          7.933163    7.737493e-16        7.981118  1.148373e-15