Pymer4 is a statistics library for estimating various regression and multi-level models in Python. Love lme4 in R, but prefer to work in the scientific Python ecosystem? This package has got you covered!
provides a clean interface that hides the back-and-forth code required when moving between R and Python. In other words, you can work completely in Python, never having to deal with R, but get (most) of lme4’s goodness. This is accomplished using rpy2 to interface between langauges.
Additionally pymer4
can fit various additional regression models with some bells, such as robust standard errors, and two-stage regression (summary statistics) models. See the features page for more information.
TL;DR this package is your new simple Pythonic drop-in replacement for lm()
or glmer()
in R.
For example:
# Assuming you have a pandas dataframe in tidy/long format
# with DV and IV columns for dependent/outcome vars and
# independent/predictor vars
model = Lmer('DV ~ IV1 + IV2 + (IV+IV2|Group)', data=dataframe)
# Fit and print an R/statsmodels style summary
# with t/z-tests, CIs, and p-values
# Access model attributes
# Get fitted parameters
model.coef # population parameters
model.fixef # group/cluster estimates (BLUPs)
model.ranef # group/cluster deviates
Check out the documentation site for detailed tutorial examples, API documentation, and installation instructions!