
µPower Supply Module

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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µPower Module

1. Purpose:

2. Scope:

  • RFQ
    1. Over voltage protection circuit
    2. Support MikroBus Foot Position
    3. Positive and negative load voltage signals can be controlled by the H-bridge
    4. Display voltage/current/wattage Nokia 5110 LCD, TI-Nokia 5110 LCD, Nokia5110 LCD
    5. MCU auto-regulator function
    6. Real time display of voltage and current
    7. Use a led to display local or remote mode
      1. Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments

HW Block Diagram

plug-in module. ex. Temperature sensor, etc..

Schematic Readme

SW FlowChart

flowchart TD
subgraph "System Initialization"
  a("Check Communication<BR>(UART/I2C/SPI/..)") --> b(Check ADC) --> c(Read Sensor) --> d[buzzer <br> Make a sound]

subgraph "main"
    A(Start) --> B[System<br>Initialization]
    B --> C[Select Mode]
    C -->D["Remote <PC>"]
    C -->E["Local <encoder>"]


Candidate Components

The required hardware units are divided into the following 6 items.

  1. Power
  2. Microcontroller
  3. Interface
  4. Sensor (Current/temperature)
  5. Connector
  6. Debug port

PIN Assessment

Raspberry Pi RP2040 GPIO Function

GPIO00 UART0 (Tx) --> RS485 (In)
GPIO01 UART0 (Rx) <-- RS485 (Out)
GPIO02 I2C1 (SDA) <-> (*Option) MikroBus SDA
GPIO03 I2C1 (SCL) --> (*Option) MikroBus SCL
GPIO04 I2C0 (SDA) <-> Power Management
GPIO05 I2C0 (SCL) --> Power Management
GPIO06 DS (MOSI)  --> Display Serial Input
GPIO07 DS (CLK)   --> Display Clock Input
GPIO08 UART1 (Tx) --> (*Option) MikroBus Tx
GPIO09 UART1 (Rx) <-- (*Option) MikroBus Rx
GPIO10 SPI1 (SCK) --> (*Option) MikroBus SCK
GPIO11 SPI1 (Tx)  --> (*Option) MikroBus SDI
GPIO12 SPI1 (Rx)  <-- (*Option) MikroBus SDO
GPIO13 SPI1 (nCS) --> (*Option) MikroBus CSS
GPIO14 DS (CE)    --> Display Chip Enable
GPIO15 DS (DC)    --> Display Data Command
GPIO16 PWM0_A     --> Buzzer
GPIO17 MkBus_RST  --> (*Option) MikroBus Reset
GPIO18 PWM1_A     --> (*Option) MikroBus PWM
GPIO19 PIO1_IRQ1  --> (*Option) MikroBus INT
GPIO20 PWM2_A     --> Encoder A phase
GPIO21 PWM2_B     --> Encoder B phase
GPIO22 RS_485 W/R --> RS485 (W/R)
GPIO23 DS_RST     --> Display Reset
GPIO24 ENC_SW     <-- Encoder Push Switch
GPIO25 PWM4 B     --> WS2512 LED Control
GPIO26 Monitor    <-- Input Power Monitor
GPIO27 ADC1       <-- (*Option) MikroBus ADC
GPIO28 Output_CTRL<-- Buck / Boost Switch
GPIO29 *Polarity  --> H-Bridge Control Load (Forward/Reverse)


About Spec Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments

Licenses & Disclaimer

This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License v3.

If you have other ideas or suggestions, please feel free to submit an issue. Welcome fork this repositories to provide contributions, or buy me a coffee. thanks :)