
The Good Rice Project - By using the concept of linked data, the Good Rice Project analyzed various open government data to help consumers not only to buy pollution-free rice, but also help to stimulate the economic growth of rural areas. 《好愛米計畫》是個 linked open data 的應用實例。該計畫運用 Quantum GIS 系統,交叉分析包括土壤重金屬污染調查、農產品產銷履歷以及村里所得等各種政府開放資料,以手動方式建立 linked open data,讓消費者在選購市售包裝米時,不但可以吃的安心,更能發揮愛心,照顧弱勢地區的經濟。該計畫也建立了一個開放性的土壤重金屬污染資料庫,以供日後比對其他農作物或其他用途。

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The Good Rice Project

The Good Rice Project analyzed various open government data, in order to encourage consumers not only to buy pollution-free rice, but also help to stimulate the economic growth in rural areas.

