This is repository is for the paper: EmbedMask: Embedding Coupling for One-stage Instance Segmentation;
The full paper is available here.
This EmbedMask implementation is based on FCOS, which is also based on maskrcnn-benchmark. Therefore the installation is the same. Please check of FCOS for installation instructions.
We do training and inference in the COCO dataset. If you want perform training and inference as well, please download the dataset, and put the data in the right place like follows.
mkdir -p datasets/coco
ln -s /path_to_coco_dataset/annotations datasets/coco/annotations
ln -s /path_to_coco_dataset/train2014 datasets/coco/train2014
ln -s /path_to_coco_dataset/test2014 datasets/coco/test2014
ln -s /path_to_coco_dataset/val2014 datasets/coco/val2014
The pretrained models can be downloaded from here. And you should place them in the 'models' directory.
Once you have finished the installation and downloaded the pretrained models, you can run a quick demo by the following instructions which use the settings and from 'embed_mask_R50_1x'.
# assume that you are under the root directory of this project,
mkdir -p demo/output
python demo/ \
--config-file configs/embed_mask/embed_mask_R50_1x.yaml \
--weights models/embed_mask_R50_1x.pth
The following inference command line run inference on coco minival split:
python tools/ \
--config-file configs/embed_mask/embed_mask_R50_1x.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHT models/embed_mask_R50_1x.pth \
OUTPUT_DIR "./Results/R50-ConvAdd"
The following inference command line run speed testing on coco minival split:
python tools/ \
--config-file configs/embed_mask/embed_mask_R50_1x.yaml \
--speed_only \
MODEL.WEIGHT models/embed_mask_R50_1x.pth \
The following command line will train 'embed_mask_R50_1x' on 4 GPUs with batchsize 16:
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 \
--master_port=$((RANDOM + 10000)) \
tools/ \
--config-file configs/embed_mask/embed_mask_R50_1x.yaml \
OUTPUT_DIR training_dir/embed_mask_R50_1x
Please consider citing our paper in your publications if the project helps your research. BibTeX reference is as follows.
title = {EmbedMask: Embedding Coupling for Instance Segmentation},
author = {Ying, Hui and Huang, Zhaojin and Liu, Shu and Shao, Tianjia and Zhou, Kun},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-21}},
publisher = {International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization},
editor = {Zhi-Hua Zhou},
pages = {1266--1273},
year = {2021},
month = {8},
note = {Main Track}
doi = {10.24963/ijcai.2021/175},
url = {},