A C# port of Box2D
Synchronized commits:
2020-10-18 10:05:42
Run CopyToUnityTestbed.bat
to copy source code and test code to Unity project
- Add Pair Stress Test
- Tiles
- Tumbler
- Chain Problem
- Dump Loader
- Skier
- Dynamic Tree
- Ray Cast
- Sensors
- Shape Cast
- Time of Impact
- Bullet Test
- Continuous Test
- BodyTypes
- Breakable
- Car
- Character Collision
- Collision Filtering
- Collision Processing
- Compound Shapes
- Conveyor Belt
- Dominos
- HelloWorld
- Pinball
- Platformer
- Shape Editing
- Slider Crank 1
- Slider Crank 2
- Theo Jansen
- Web
- Wrecking Ball
- Position Test
- ApplyForce
- Friction
- Restitution
- Convex Hull
- Distance Test
- Edge Shapes
- Edge Test
- Polygon Collision
- Polygon Shapes
- Bridge
- Cantilever
- Chain
- Distance Joint
- Gear
- Motor Joint
- Prismatic
- Pulley
- Revolute
- Wheel
- Bending
- Confined
- Heavy 1
- Heavy 2
- Mobile Balanced
- Mobile Unbalanced
- Boxes
- Circles
- Pyramid