Mini-Carsales MVP

A vehicle management system that for MVP will only cater for cars, but in the future will manage other vehicle types like boats, bikes, caravans etc.


  • .NET Core 3.1
  • node v10.16.3
  • npm 6.9.0

Up & Running

  • Clone the project
  • Use Visual Studio 2019 and open MiniCarsales.sln and run using MiniCarsales.Web project and MiniCarsales profile
  • Or open termial and cd MiniCarsales.Web/ then run dotnet run
  • The Api is accessible at https://localhost:5001/api/cars or http://localhost:5000/api/cars
  • If need to restore the database, delete the db file at MiniCarsales.Web/App_Data/MiniCarsales.db, then open "Package Manager Console" and run Update-Database using the MiniCarsales.Models project.

Run Tests

Frontend Tests

  • cd MiniCarsales.Web/ClientApp then run npm test a

Backend Test

  • Run tests using Visual Studio test explorer

Api Documentation



  1. react
  2. react-router
  3. react-redux
  4. reactstrap
  5. react-thunk
  6. bootstrap
  7. enzyme


  1. Entity Framework Core for data access
  2. AutoMapper for mapping data models to Dtos
  3. Moq for mocking
  4. Entity Framework Core In Memory Database for integration testing
  5. Newtonsoft.Json for deserializing response in integration testing
  6. Swagger for API documentation
  7. XUnit for unit testing