Data and Sample Code for CS765 - 2017 Design Challenge 3

This directory has information for the Design Challenge

The subdirectories are:

RealisticData: Data files that are more realistic - these are the ones you should visualize for your final versions.

Python: Python 3.6 example code (including examples of file reading, and a simple SVG visualization)

SimpleData: Some example files that are very simple (you cannot use these as the data you visualize for your final version)

D3: An example webpage using D3 to make a visualization of an example gradebook file.


Purpose of use

The program here is utilized for grading purpose of CS765 UW-Madison as a Desgin Chanllenge

pleaes visit the report through:

Please use the http-server to open the web-browser to view.

Some sampled output are listed here for review:

Assignments Number of Posting


Score Overview


Late Submission HeatMap


Number of Postings and Average Posting Length


Assignment Late Variation
