
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ponyo Restaurant Review Web Application


This project is a part CPE327 Software Engineering course assignment to practice software development process. It is a restaurant review web application called Ponyo. It is a simple web application where users can explore restaurants and write reviews about them. The web-app is developed with MERN stack which is MongoDB, Express.js, React.js (Next.js), and Node.js.

Project installation

git clone https://github.com/PanpanPianchoopat/Ponyo.git


To run this project, install it locally and open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

cd Ponyo
cd frontend

Then, choose a mode to run.

yarn dev


yarn build
yarn start

Backend Development

The current version of the project is using database deployed in Heroku. Run the following commands and edit backend API in frontend directory to http://localhost:8080 instead of the current Heroku database in order to test backend code.

cd Ponyo
cd backend
yarn dev

Demo Website

Ponyo Restaurant Review Web Application
Note: This site is additional to the proposed design in the class and still be on progress according to our further interest. Some features may not behave correctly.

Created by Ponyo Group Members

  • 62070503419 Natsarun Rooncharoen (Beam)

  • 62070503420 Nacha Hirunyakarn (Pungjung)

  • 62070503435 Ploypapas Pianchoopat (Panpan)

  • 62070503451 Supavadee Phusanam (Ying)