
Python library for Masterflex L/S pumps

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Python library for communicating with Cole-Parmer Masterflex L/S pumps models 07523-80, 07523-90, 07551-00, 07551-10, and 07575-10. Please see the device manual for further reference.

Quick Start

  1. Install the package and its dependencies. Dependencies can be found under the requirements .txt file.

     	pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Connect the satellite pump to the control computer.

  3. Find available ports by calling the class method findSerialPumps().

  4. Initialize a MasterflexSerial object using a pump address and one of these available ports. Pump addresses are integers from 1 through 89, and may be reassigned at a later time. The class itself will take care of establishing and managing the serial connection. Default configurations are provided as part of the class, but these may be overwritten. When a successful connection is established, the satellite will display the pump number on its screen.

     	mf = MasterflexSerial(1, '/dev/ttyUSB0')    # Creates a MasterflexSerial object 
                                                     # with pump address 01 at port /dev/ttyUSB0
  5. Commands are issued via the MasterflexSerial object.

     	mf.renumber(2)    # Changes the pump number of mf to 2
     	mf.goContinuous() # Runs the pump until prompted to stop
     	mf.halt()         # Stops the pump

Known Issues

  • Commands that involve auxiliary input and output are currently untested.
  • The goContinuous() command always returns a <NAK>, despite being successful in operating the motor.
  • After the initial startup step, the enquire() command is not working consistently without the workaround (falling back on requestStatus(), which should be identical to its default behavior)
  • There is currently no clean way to completely kill a connection once it has been created. To reset the satellite's behavior to what it was before the connection has been made, the machine must be turned off and back on.
  • It is not possible to set the speed to anything below 0.1 RPM. (Workaround currently in place to stop motor from running at the default +000.0 speed)