- for protein-ligand complex, use the openmm_prep.py to define the interactions to be restrained
- cluster the trajectory based on BindingSite rmsd
pymol -c getBindingSiteResi.pml
will generate bs_res.txt, and modify cpptraj_*.in files with correct binding site residue numbers- align trajectory:
cpptraj < 1_cpptraj_traj.in
- cluster trajectory:
cpptraj < 2_cpptraj_cluster.in
--> cluster_hier.c? will be generated for the clusters
- redo clustering for the top 10 clusters using the runCpptraj.py script
python runCpptraj.py -c
--> generate rep_c?.c?.pdb - plot 2drmsd.gnu for the top 10 clusters
python runCpptraj.py -r
--> generate rms2d_10cluster.gnu - For each cluster of interest, extract the conformation based on the frame number
python runCpptraj.py -f hier.4_summary_sieve10.txt c0_summary.txt
python runCpptraj.py -f hier.4_summary_sieve10.txt c1_summary.txt
python runCpptraj.py -f hier.4_summary_sieve10.txt c4_summary.txt
- cluster folder created from extraction of previous long trajectory
- run WATsite docker, and run python in the folder contains all cluster folder
python subAll.py
- to generate an rms2d plot and RMSF values for binding site residues throughout a simulation, run
cpptraj < cpptraj_rmsf.in
- analyze hydration site predictions from all subclusters by running
python analyzeAllHS.py
Produces graph with HS sites identified as pairs and generates by_[0-10].pdb files - for grid analysis, use combineDX.py to generate mean density, standard deviation, and max error dx grids
- to test the convergence of a system, use egy_convergence.py to compare the energies from the first frames to the entire trajectory. This script can also compare energies between different simulations (restrained vs unrestrained)
- plotHist.py can also be used to test the positional convergence of hydration site predictions and to compare against crystal waters
- plotPerHSenthalpy.py script can be used to vizualize the enthalpy values of each HS through out the trajectory. Useful when there is a large range of enthalpy.
- to easily generate binding site crystal waters to compare against, issue the command
python findCW.py -g grid_occupancy.dx -c crystal_structure.pdb
- 10clusters_rms2d.png RMS of BS residues between top 10 clusters after clustering
- k[0.6-4.8]rms2d.png RMS of BS residues throughout restrained simulations
- FigureC[0,1,7].png Clustered hydration sites using ten subclusters
- thermo_prop_15A_15A4ns.png Energy property comparison between 10ns and 4ns 15A truncation
- thermo_prop_15A_full.png Energy property comparison between 15A truncation and full protein
- thermo_prop_20A_full.png Energy property comparison between 20A truncation and full protein
- k[1.2-5]rms2d.png RMS of BS residues throughout restrained simulations