This is a very lightweight Redis client. It can be helpful in the system that needs small codebase such as AWS Lambda runtime.
yarn add @yingyeothon/naive-redis
import redisConnect from "@yingyeothon/naive-redis/lib/connect";
import redisGet from "@yingyeothon/naive-redis/lib/get";
import redisSet from "@yingyeothon/naive-redis/lib/set";
const connection = redisConnect({
host: `my.redis.domain`,
port: 6379,
password: `very-secret-password`,
timeoutMillis: 1000,
// Get a value from Redis
const myValue = await redisGet(connection, `my-redis-key`);
// Set a new value into Redis with expiration and overwritten options.
await redisSet(
something: `very-complex`,
expirationMillis: 5000,
// "nx" means set only if absent.
// "xx" means set only if present.
onlySet: `xx`,
- auth
- del
- get
- set
- lindex
- llen
- lpop
- lrange
- ltrim
- rpush
- sadd
- smembers
- srem
It supports some simple patterns easy to use.
import RedisSimple from "@yingyeothon/naive-redis/lib/simple";
import lzutf8 from "lzutf8";
function compressionDecode<T>(maybe: string): T {
return JSON.parse(
lzutf8.decompress(maybe, {
inputEncoding: "Base64",
outputEncoding: "String",
function compressionEncode<T>(input: T | null): string {
return lzutf8.compress(JSON.stringify(input), {
inputEncoding: "String",
outputEncoding: "Base64",
export const { cache, get, set, del } = new RedisSimple({
config: { host, password, timeoutMillis },
decode: compressionDecode,
encode: compressionEncode,
keyPrefix: redisKeyPrefix,