
Modified versions of the Soft Actor-Critic algorithm for Atari games from https://github.com/ac-93/soft-actor-critic.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Soft Actor-Critic: Off-Policy Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Stochastic Actor, Haarnoja et al, 2018 https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.01290

Recorded gif:

BeamRider Enduro Breakout SpaceInvaders Qbert


tensorflow 1.15.0
gym[atari] 0.15.7


# install environment from .yml
conda env create -f env.yml

# source env
conda activate sac

# install some packages from pip
pip install -r req.txt

# install Spinningup from openAI
git clone https://github.com/openai/spinningup.git
cd spinningup
pip install -e .
cd ..

To train a model:

#train with GPU
python ./image_observation/sac_discrete_atari/sac.py --env 'Breakout' --use_gpu --gpu 1 --seed 3

#train with CPU
python ./image_observation/sac_discrete_atari/sac.py --env 'Breakout' --seed 3

After training the model will be saved in dir ./saved_models/

To plot the training curve:

python ./plot_progress.py  --env BeamRider --seed 3

The same seed for training should be given.

To reload the trained model:

from Utils.model_loader import model_loader

# where is the trained model
model_dir = 'saved_models/sac_discrete_atari_BeamRider-v4/sac_discrete_atari_BeamRider-v4_s3/'
model_save_name = 'tf1_save5'

# load the model
model = model_loader(model_dir, model_save_name)

# to get the optimal action given current state
model.get_action(obs, deterministic=True)

# to get the sampled action given current state
model.get_action(obs, deterministic=False)

# to get the probability of next action given current state

# to get the log probability of next action given current state

# Others:
   # to get the settings for the model

To create env for the model:

from Utils.envGym import envGym
import gym

# create a env from gym
original_env = gym.make(model.config['rl_params']['env_name'])

# wrap it using our env class
env = envGym(original_env, 4)

# to reset the env
obs = env.reset()

# to render the env (same as Gym.env)

# to step an action
obs, rew, done, info = env.step(action)

# to close the env

# Others:
   # to get the settings of the env
# just treat the envGym Class as the same as Gym.env

An example for reloading:

python ./load_atari_model.py  --env BeamRider --model_id 24 --seed 3

After the command is executed, the program will run the atari game 5 times and calculate the mean of cumulated reward and clipped reward (+1 for positive reward, -1 for negative reward, 0 for no reward).

See the source code for details.

To record a gif:

python ./record_a_gif.py  --env BeamRider --model_id 24 --seed 3 --max_len 10000 --num 5

The created gifs will be saved to ./saved_gifs folder


SAC-discrete works well for some Atari game Space Invaders, Qbert, Breakout, BeamRider, but performs terrible for Pong, Freeway; other environments are testing...

Works well Not bad Doesn't work
Assault Breakout Pong
BeamRider SpaceInvaders Seaquest
Enduro Qbert Battlezone

Main results:

env model_id seed Deterministic? avg_reward(return) avg_ep_length
Assault 20 6 False 820.8 (+39.2) 1038.4
Enduro 12 3 True 322.1 (+402.2) 7098.8
BeamRider 24 3 False 1636.8 (+34.9) 2052.9
SpaceInvaders 20 6 False 363.0 (+23.6) 891.7
Breakout 6 6 True 24.8 (+18.8) 988.1
Qbert 24 6 True 850.0 (+22.9) 600.8

One more thing

Due to the limit of Github to share large files, please download the saved_models folder via Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1g0y0XKrMw5hUUfcuH5fyeaGHWTUuwxU_?usp=sharing

To calculate the avg entropy of action probability

python ./get_evg_entropy.py

The results:

mean Entropy for Qbert-v4 0.5283024787481685
mean Entropy for Assault-v4 0.5265025734385411
mean Entropy for Enduro-v4 0.2922887822680233
mean Entropy for BeamRider-v4 0.4767544871332122
mean Entropy for SpaceInvaders-v4 0.6042465290228025
mean Entropy for Breakout-v4 0.6128823243743766