
Final Class Project of EN 520.666

Primary LanguagePython


Directory Structure (Exclude ./data/waveforms)

├── IE_Project3_Report.pdf
├── README.md
├── checkpoints
│   ├── discrete_model.pt
│   └── mfcc_model.pt
├── data
│   ├── clsp.devlbls
│   ├── clsp.devwav
│   ├── clsp.endpts
│   ├── clsp.lblnames
│   ├── clsp.trnlbls
│   ├── clsp.trnscr
│   └── clsp.trnwav
├── dataset.py
├── discrete_test_result.json
├── evaluate.py
├── figures
│   ├── discrete_accuracy.png
│   ├── discrete_loss.png
│   ├── discrete_mrd_accuracy.png
│   ├── mfcc_accuracy.png
│   ├── mfcc_loss.png
│   └── mfcc_mrd_accuracy.png
├── main.py
├── mfcc_test_result.json
├── model.py
├── requirements.txt
└── snapshots
    ├── discrete.png
    └── mfcc.png

Files and Folders:

IE_Project3_Report.pdf: Project report

main.py: Train and evaluate the model

optional arguments:

  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -e EPOCH, --epoch EPOCH
                        number of epochs
  -f FEATURE_TYPE, --feature_type FEATURE_TYPE
                        feature type: discrete or mfcc
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size

evaluate.py: Load the checkpoints and evaluate the models

discrete_test_result.json: 393 testing result by Discrete model

mfcc_test_reesult.json: 393 testing result by MFCC model

/checkpoints: Folder to store models' checkpoints

./checkpoints/discrete_model.pt: Model trained by discrete feature

./checkpoints/mfcc_model.pt: Model trained by mfcc feature

/figures: Folder to store loss and accuracy plots

./figures/discrete_accuracy.png: Training and validating accuracy using Greedy and Beam search for Discrete model

./figures/mrd_accuracy.png: Validating accuracy using Minimum CTCLoss Decoding strategy for Discrete model

./figures/discrete_loss.png: Training and validating CTC loss for Discrete model

./figures/mfcc_accuracy.png: Training and validating accuracy using Greedy and Beam search for MFCC model

./figures/mfcc_accuracy.png: Validating accuracy using Minimum CTCLoss Decoding strategy for MFCC model

./figures/mfcc_loss.png: Training and validating CTC loss for MFCC model

/snapshots: Folder to save training snapshots

discrete.png: Last training epoch snapshot of Discrete model

mfcc.png: Last training epoch snapshot of MFCC model

Evaluate the Trained Discrete and MFCC models

python evaluate.py loads two saved models and evaluates accuracy using the same validation datasets used in training.


Evaluating on Validation Set Using Minimum CTC Loss Decoder For Discrete Model
Validation Greedy Search Decoded Words: ['iny', 'ttm', 'bouh', 'oway', 'every', 'soes', 'st', 'nny']
Validationo Beam Search Decoded Words: ['iny', 'ttm', 'bouh', 'oway', 'every', 'soes', 'st', 'nny']
Validation CTC Decoded Words: ['many', 'often', 'about', 'away', 'every', 'sometimes', 'system', 'many']
original words: ['many', 'often', 'about', 'away', 'every', 'sometimes', 'extra', 'money']
Validation Accuracy: 0.775

Evaluating on Validation Set Using Minimum CTC Loss Decoder For MFCC Model
Validation Greedy Search Decoded Words: ['', '', '', '', '', '', 't', '']
Validationo Beam Search Decoded Words: ['', '', '', '', '', '', 't', '']
Validation CTC Decoded Words: ['even', 'often', 'about', 'eating', 'every', 'enough', 'after', 'over']
original words: ['many', 'often', 'about', 'away', 'every', 'sometimes', 'extra', 'money']
Validation Accuracy: 0.525

Primary System

Train the model: python main.py -v -b 16 -f discrete -e 50

Outputs: ./figuress/discrete_accuracy.png ./figures/discrete_loss.png ./figures/discrete_mrd_accuracy.png, discrete_test_result.json, ./checkpoints/discrete_model.pt

Training Snapshot: Last Epoch

Dataset setting:

  1. Training size: 758
  2. Validating size: 40
  3. Testing size: 393

Model Structure:

Embedding -> LSTM -> linear -> LogSoftmax

Hyperparameter Settings:

  1. seed for random_split: 0
  2. Embedding size: 40
  3. hidden state size: 256
  4. number layers: 2
  5. learning rate: 5e-3
  6. silence token id: 23
  7. blank token id: 24
  8. pad token id: 25

Contrastive System

Train the model: python main.py -v -b 16 -f mfcc -e 50

Outputs: ./figuress/mfcc_accuracy.png ./figures/mfcc_loss.png ./figures/mfcc_mrd_accuracy.png, mfcc_test_result.json, ./checkpoints/mfcc_model.pt

Training Snapshot: Last Epoch

Dataset setting:

  1. Training size: 758
  2. Validating size: 40
  3. Testing size: 393

Model Structure:

LSTM -> linear -> LogSoftmax

Hyperparameter Settings:

  1. seed for random_split: 0
  2. input size: 40
  3. hidden state size: 256
  4. number layers: 2
  5. learning rate: 5e-3
  6. silence token id: 23
  7. blank token id: 24
  8. pad token id: 25