
Description: The Phonebook Web App is a simple web application that allows users to manage their contacts. Users can add, edit, and delete contacts, as well as search for specific contacts by name or phone number.

Features: -Add new contacts with name and phone number.

-Edit existing contacts to update their information.

  • Delete contacts to remove them from the phonebook.

  • User-friendly and responsive web design for ease of use on various devices.


  1. Ajibade Fawas Muhammad (NAS/STE/19/1028)
  2. Jamilu yau(NAS/STE/19/1056)
  3. Ismail Jugulde Babaji (NAS/STE/19/1053)
  4. Suleiman Usman (NAS/STE/19/1048)
  5. Abdulrahman Sadiq Balumi (NAS/STE/19/1066)