
Python Wrapper for Google Sheets API to read and write to and from Google Sheets

Primary LanguagePython

Google Spreadsheets

This is a super lightweight wrapper around the Google Sheets API.
It allows users to easily read and write sheets to and from Pandas DataFrames.

This is made public and hosted on PyPi for selfish reasons.


pip install googlespreadsheets

API Credentials

The Google Sheets API uses OAuth2 You can get credentials on the Google Cloud API console.

Create a project and go to the Credentials for your project and create New credentials > OAuth client ID > of type Other. In the list of your OAuth 2.0 client IDs click Download JSON for the Client ID you just created. Save the file as client_secrets.json somewhere safe!

From the client_secrets, we can create an access token. You'll be prompted through this creation in your browser when you instantiate the GoogleSheets class for the first time.

This step is easier to do locally in a Python terminal (rather than a Jupyter Notebook or a remote server)!


from googlespreadsheets import GoogleSheets

# initiate a API wrapper using the path to json credentials
goog = GoogleSheets(client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET_FILE, 

# read a sheet into a Pandas dataframe
df = goog.read_sheet(sheet_id='1kXKWc9p_ZE',

# write a Pandas dataframe to a sheet
goog.to_sheet(df, sheet_id='1kXKWc9p_ZE', tab='Sheet2')

More details are available in this Jupyter Notebook






By Leon Yin