
A Spotify clone using Java, MySQL and JavaScript.


  • Implemented an email activation flow with time limit for new signup user.
  • Implemented following/unfollowing artist and displaying a list of following artists.
  • Added support for creating, editing, deleting playlist and playing songs from a playlist.
  • Kept track of playing history for both user-selected songs and auto-played songs when in public session.
  • Added support for adding, deleting friends and viewing friends’ public playlists and public history.
  • Implemented client-side internationalization that allows switching language without a browser refresh.
  • Implemented client-side audio playing control using HTML5 audio API with support for playing, pausing, skipping, changing
  • shuffle mode and adjusting the volume.
  • Implemented client-side sorting for songs based on song names, artist names, albums or durations.
  • Implemented fuzzy searching for songs, album, artists and playlists using keywords.