
a R implementation of extreme learning machine

Primary LanguageR


This is a draft implementation of Extreme Learning Machine in R. You can do bi-classification or multiple classification using elm_linear or elm_kernel.


Linear ELM

  1. Training Process

    r = elmTrain(X, Y, L = 2000, C = 300)
    Variable Explanation
    X the data matrix in training set
    Y the labels from 1...N in testing set
    C Penalty Parameter
    L Number of hidden Layer

elmTrain will return a list r with the following:

|trainPred|the prediction of training set|
|confusion|the training confusion matrix|
|OutputWeight|OutputWeight to be used in `elmTest`|
|InputWeight| InputWeight to be used in `elmTest`|
|BiasofHiddenNeutrons|Biased Matrix to be used in `elmTest`|
|time|Time used|
  1. Testing Process

    rr = elmTest(Xt, Yt, L = 2000, 
    	InputWeight = r$InputWeight, 
    	OutputWeight = r$OutputWeight, 
    	BiasofHiddenNeutrons = r$BiasofHiddenNeutrons)
    Variable Explanation
    Xt the data matrix in the testing set
    Yt the label in the testing set
    L Number of the hidden layer
    InputWeight generated by elmTrain
    OutputWeight generated by elmTrain
    BiasofHiddenNeutrons generated by elmTrain

    elmTest will return a list r with the following:

    Result Explanation
    testPred the prediction of training set
    confusion the testing confusion matrix
    time Time used

The activate function used is sigmoid More activate functions to come!

Kernel ELM

  1. Training Process

    r = elmTrain(X, Y, kernel_par = 1000, C = 200)
    Variable Explanation
    X the data matrix in training set
    Y the labels from 1...N in testing set
    Kernel_par Kernel Parameter used in rbfkernel
    C Penalty parameter

elmTrain will return the following: |Result|Explanation| |---|---| |trainPred|the prediction of training set| |confusion|the training confusion matrix| |OutputWeight|OutputWeight to be used in elmTest| |time|Time used|

  1. Testing Process
    rr = elmTest(X, Xt, Yt, kernel_para, r$OutputWeight)
    Variable Explanation
    X the data matrix in the training set
    Xt the data matrix in the testing set
    Yt the label in the testing set
    Kernel_par Kernel Parameter used in rbfkernel
    OutputWeight generated by elmTrain

elmTrain will return the following: |Result|Explanation| |---|---| |testPred|the prediction of testing set| |confusion|the testing confusion matrix| |time|Time used|

The kernel used is rbfkernel with more kernels to come!


  1. extreme learning machine
  2. Comparison among SVM, LS-SVM, PSVM, ELM