
Cron Job System

Primary LanguagePython

Cron Job Scheduling System

Used thrift as RPC framework.


exception JobServiceException{
    1: i32 code,
    2: string msg,
    3: string time,
    4: string detail

service JobRPCService{

    void start_scheduler() throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    void stop_scheduler() throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    void pause_scheduler() throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    void resume_scheduler() throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    void start_job(1: string job_id) throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    void stop_job(1: string job_id) throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    void pause_job(1: string job_id) throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    void modify_job(1: string job_id, 2: string config) throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    string submit_job(1: string file_bytes, 2: string config) throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

    # 0 停止,1 运行,2暂停
    i32 status() throws (1: JobServiceException ex)

How to run

  • Create the table in sql/create_table.sql
  • ./run.sh prod (dev, test, prod)



  • Basic cron job scheduling.
  • LeetCode auto sign in script.
  • 1point3acres auto sign in script.