
Full fledged angular app with spring mvc, spring rest, hibernate, Rest Api, Angular js all component touched.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Full fledged angular app with spring mvc, spring rest, hibernate, Rest Api, Angular js all component touched.

How to run this app?
Make sure you have installed java jdk and set JAVA_HOME path in environment variable(path as well).
Make sure you have installed maven and set MAVEN_HOME path in environment variable(path as well).
Create a database named 'angularapp' in mysql(table will be automatically created).

  1. Maven command: mvn clean package tomcat7:run
  2. Open browser and hit url: http://localhost:8080/angularapp/stud

Angular 2
Angular 1 Single Page App and SEO

#Angular Syllabus taught per day in NEA:

Day 1:
Java Script, variable, array, dialog, 
function, anonymous function, dom manipulation,
history behind angular js, advantage of angular over jquery.

Day 2:
The angular architecture
ng-app, modules, 
controllers and scope,
controller as syntax,
two-way binding
Demo to demonstrate above angular parts.

Day 3:
built-in and custom directives
angularjs service types
dependency injection
TODO task list demo to demonstrate all above angular parts

Day 4:
angular directive advance,
custom directive with 
angular module
routing, router provider (URL routing)
creating custom services
consuming Ajax web services via $http and $resource
angular multi-module architecture with demo
Demo to show directive which display today's currency rate by calling rest api(fixer.io)

Day 5:
Restangular rest api and uses
Angular Notification
Bootstrap dialog and modal
Bootstrap Template
Bootstrap template cache
Demo in Creating server side rest api to operate CRUD operation(GET/PUT/POST/DELETE)

Final Demo:
Complete CRUD operation done in front end angular js with following technologies:
ui-grid (table)
bootstrap dialog (angular modal)