Pinned issues
- 0
[request] source.fixLine.ts
#214 opened by vdegenne - 5
- 2
LSP violation: client's `CompletionItemCapabilityResolveSupport` are not considered
#213 opened by SomeoneToIgnore - 3
Can plugins handle a custom request?
#200 opened by mcchrish - 4
textEdit and completion filtering
#210 opened by kristijanhusak - 5
Randomly opens JSON files from project
#199 opened by antoinegomez - 6
- 2
How to enable folding for TSX
#205 opened by weilbith - 2
vtsls and typescript-language-server don't retrieve all references when trying to retrieve code references
#132 opened by andy-wong-andy-wong - 7
ts definitions on javascript file not working
#129 opened by brunobmello25 - 2
add support for jsconfig.json
#202 opened by marcoskichel - 10
vtsls diagnostics gives wrong errors in Neovim
#172 opened by jim-at-jibba - 2
- 3
Where to increase maxTsServerMemory?
#195 opened by typicode - 1
[Question]: Purpose of this project
#194 opened by HugeLetters - 34
Error: Could not find source file...
#168 opened by alexciarlillo - 6
Not working with yarn plug and play
#169 opened by utrumo - 5
LSP running out of memory
#193 opened by varunrau - 2
Syntax highlighting is not appearing.
#188 opened by Jas-SinghFSU - 2
Ignore Certain Diagnostic Codes like tsserver
#187 opened by bnwa - 2
RangeError: Incorrect locale information provided
#185 opened by PHSix - 9
Crashes in monorepo
#183 opened by iamim - 2
Running vtsls--stdio
#181 opened by jakejjoyner - 15
- 4
Select TypeScript version not working.
#180 opened by gxanshu - 3
Feature request: Truncation limit for inlay hints
#170 opened by MariaSolOs - 2
Unneeded popup when using custom node version
#174 opened by punk-dev-robot - 2
- 6
- 3
Usage with VSCode
#165 opened by jansedlon - 3
- 1
Idea: pretty-ts-errors integration
#163 opened by mcchrish - 9
How to use `_typescript.configurePlugin`?
#153 opened by wSedlacek - 1
Silently fails while running in Docker
#161 opened by tikhoplav - 13
Support @vue/typescript-plugin
#148 opened by mcchrish - 1
- 3
- 5
- 4
- 0
Find a way to convey server-initiated configuration changes back to client
#139 opened by bradymadden97 - 5
[Feature Request] Add support for automatically using workspace TypeScript version
#134 opened by jordangarcia - 7
Help Needed: vtsls seems to restart frequently on switching files, performing some actions like line delete etc.
#136 opened by mohnasir-gh - 0
It cannot accept encoded URI document.
#120 opened by kyoh86 - 4
Update imports on file rename is not working
#119 opened by Demianeen - 11
Testing server side filtering
#52 opened by KaranAhlawat - 22
Time Outs and No Completions
#49 opened by KaranAhlawat - 6
example init
#42 opened by advancedtw - 0
- 0
Configuration error for release-please
#36 opened by release-please - 6