
Diplomacy Letter Empty

MichaelS11 opened this issue · 7 comments

Was playing user map Rise of civilizations and clearing the Letter every turn for a few turns. Then the Letters nofication icon was showing up but there was no Letters, just empty / blank white area on the screen. Saving that game and then loading it back up did not fix the issue. Had save the game, exit out complety, open app back up, then load saved game back up and Letters came back.

Thanks for bug report.
Is there a 100% way to reproduce this problem?

Not that I found.

Also sometimes the Letter would be there but no text. Would just see the color with no text. Would still be able to click on it.

Noticed that the colors in Diplomacy does not usually match the players' color, is that expected?

Version 1.25g

Thanks for looking into it :)