The currently running stable iUPB web application.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


iUPB is an extensible, open-source rails3 web-application for the University of Paderborn: www.i-upb.de. Students and staff use it to get current information about restaurants, busses, weather, they manage their courses and post ads to a pinboard.

The app uses Bootstrap and is accessible by all major browsers and operating systems. We also created two apps for iOS and Android. Check them out as well!

Code Climate Gemnasium


  • Install Ruby 1.9 and Bundler (we run 1.9.2 live)
  • Install Mongodb brew install mongodb
  • Start mongodb
  • Optional: install and start elasticsearch brew install elasticsearch
  • install our dependencies with bundle install
  • startup iUPB with rails s
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000


Fork our repository, change, test and then make a pull-request.


  • Got an award from the university in late 2012 for the best student app
  • Further received an award from Germany's CIO (www.cio.bund.de) for our open-source activities
  • Was started by @dirkschumacher in 2010 and has been completely redesigned together with @MichaelWhi in early 2012
  • Has more than 4,500 active Android installations (6,000+ downloads) and more than 6,000 iOS downloads
  • We haven't spent a single euro on infrastructure so far. During the week we daily serve 3,000+ users by just using free plans of popular Heroku services (thanks @heroku!)

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