
Prepare and ace their technical interviews

Primary LanguagePython


Prepare and ace their technical interviews

Algorithm questions are hard. I use LeetCode.com and https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/1337coding-review-coding-interview/id963066061 to prepare the interviews.

I have solved 76 / 284 problems in one month.

Which Language do I use?

  • I used Java at the beginning, as I took Java Programming in the school and have some experience with Android. However, I found that writing Java in the interviews is not easy. I had to type many lines of code and I always forgot the Java API. When coding on the whiteboard, I couldn't write Java without the code autocompletion.
  • Then I trid to use Python. It's much faster. After that, I use Python.
  • If you have options, choose Python.