
This is the pytorch implementation of the UAI2023 paper "A Trajectory is Worth Three Sentences: Multimodal Transformer for Offline Reinforcement Learning"

Primary LanguagePython


This is the pytorch implementation of the UAI2023 paper "A Trajectory is Worth Three Sentences: Multimodal Transformer for Offline Reinforcement Learning" PMLR link. A 2:30 presentation.


This repo contains full implementation of a multimodal transformer: Decision Transducer. It was designed to improve transformers performance on offline RL, by disentangling the complicated interactions between modalities (state, action, return/goal).

image info


Gym locomotion code (gym-transducer):

  • Train a Decision Transducer (DTd) model with:
    • Goal $G_t$ as return: experiment_transducer.py
    • Goal $G_t$ as state-value from IQL: experiment_transducer_goal.py
  • Train a Decision Transformer (DT) model taking:
    • Return-to-go with original architecture : experiment_dt_small.py
    • Return-to-go with DT-large in DTd paper where the model has more heads, layers, and higher dimension.
  • See exp_sh to see how to use the experiment script.

Gym AntMaze Navigation code (gym-transducer-goal):

  • Train a Decision Transducer (DTd) with:
    • Goal $G_t$ as concat(state, goal) + waypoint prediction as auxiliary task: experiment_transducer.py
  • Train a Decision Transformer (DT) model taking:
    • Return-to-go (Caveat: in sparse reward setting, Return-to-go becomes binary and is less useful).
  • See exp_sh to see how to use the experiment script.

Conda Environment file: environment.yml

How to create Multimodal Quantification plot?

  • I will make sure to update this after UAI 2023 conference with code examples**.
  • first thing to do is to yield an attentino map from decision transformer
    • within the code of forward()
atts = transformer_outputs['attentions']
# the code below get last layer  attn map (to reproduce the paper's figure 1)
attn_map = atts[2][0]
# You could also get the average across all layer
# the conclusion doesn't change much
# attn_map = ( atts[0][0] + atts[1][0]+ atts[2][0] ) / 3
# create an aggregated analysis via attn_stats)
attn_stats( attn_map ) # import this from attn_stats.py
  • the attn_stats import from here will write out a csv containing the analysis between return, stats, action.
  • concate_files.ipynb provides the final 9 scores (3 modalities x 3 modalities)
    • You could reduce this to 6 scores by aggregating a pair of symmetric scores in to 1.
    • E.g., sa_score = sa_score + as_score