How to build and run (with Docker)

.\gradlew bootJar
docker compose --env-file ./ up

How to test (Docker is required)

.\gradlew test

Task description

You are a member of a new startup that is developing a cutting edge software that will take out any competition in no time. It is a new iteration of an exciting software engineering life. The product manager has assigned you a few new tasks. You cannot wait to start!

You are required to create a secured restful API to create and list articles

  • To create an article the user should provide a title, author, the content and date for publishing.
  • All of the fields are mandatory and the title should not exceed 100 characters. The publishing date should bind to ISO 8601 format.
  • Article results should be paginated.

Additionally, you are required to develop an endpoint for statistics that would be accessible only by admins.

  • The endpoint should return count of published articles on daily bases for the 7 days

Please also write tests to verify that your code works.