
A small embedded Modbus protocol stack, written in C language, support master and slave, support discrete mapping, support non-blocking and blocking read and write mode, and provide a complete example, can be transplanted to different processors, simple to use, portable. It's simpler than freemodbus. QQ Group:419833232

Primary LanguageC


A small embedded Modbus protocol stack, written in C language, support master and slave, support discrete mapping, support non-blocking and blocking read and write mode, and provide a complete example, can be transplanted to different processors, simple to use, portable.


2020/6/6 Fixed a size end error.
Slaver corrected errors in reading discrete mapping functions.
Slave supports broadcast addresses.
Master host adds send cache.

2020/4/28 Discrete mappings for Master hosts will have to specify slave Numbers instead of sharing.

2020/4/23 Slave Fixes a BUG in the CRC macro.
Fixed discrete mapping table master and slave size inconsistency BUG.
Master Fixes bugs that cause errors in read commands and dependent variables.

The serial port initialization location is changed to md_rtu_serial.c and mdm_rtu_serial.c.
Fixed some naming conventions.

2020/4/13 Slave adds the send cache, which is optional and enabled by default through the macro configuration in md_rtu_fun. h.

2020/4/12 Added transceiver conversion control.

2020/4/10 Code to add comments, specification of comments, optimize the structure of the file storage.

2020/4/4 Slave fixes a bug with a minimal probability that the timer overflow can cause packet loss.

2020/4/3 Salve changes the discrete mapping, and the input is mapped separately

2020/3/31 Salve adds host write callback function listen.
Salve adds partial exception and error code support.
Salve fixed an error sending unspaced frames.
Optimize CRC16 efficiency.


ModBus RTU salve feature:

  1. realize Modbus RTU salve
  2. join the double-queue mechanism.
  3. implement function code 1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16.
  4. support discrete mapping between modbus address and local address.
  5. provide user to read and write modbus address interface.
  6. support multiple slaves.

ModBus RTU master feature:

  1. realize Modbus RTU master
  2. support non-blocking type read and write
  3. support blocking type read and write
  4. support regular retransmission
  5. support timeout retransmission
  6. support read data discrete mapping

2.How to transplant

The example gives an example of a port in the STM32F1 series of chips that need to be ported to other chips, need to modify md_rtu_serial.c, implement port port port function migration, and need to call serial port and timer functions in the interrupt function. < br > Serial port transplantation function:

/*Send function*/
void MDSSerialSendBytes(uint8 *bytes,uint16 num){
	/*The BSP sending function is called below*/

Call the following function in the timer interrupt function, the timer interval is 100US:

/*This function is called in the timer*/
void MDSTimeHandler100US(uint32 times){
	_pModbus_RTU->mdRTUTimeHandlerFunction(_pModbus_RTU ,times);

The following function is called in the serial port receive interrupt

/*The BSP layer interrupts the receiving call to this function*/
void MDSSerialRecvByte(uint8 byte){
	_pModbus_RTU->mdsRTURecByteFunction(_pModbus_RTU , byte);

3.How to use

You can see an example of using the md_rtu_app.c file. The following code adds two address mapping items, and the modbus address corresponds to the local address:

uint16 regCoilData0[32]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};
RegCoilItem regCoilItem0={
. ModbusAddr =0x0000, /* address in MODBUS */
. ModbusData =regCoilData0, /* mapped memory unit */
. ModbusDataSize =32, /* the size of the map */
.addrtype =REG_TYPE /* the type of the map */
uint16 regCoilData1[4]={0};
RegCoilItem regCoilItem1={
. ModbusAddr =0x0000, /* address in MODBUS */
. ModbusData =regCoilData1, /* mapped memory unit */
. ModbusDataSize =64, /* the size of the map */
.addrtype =BIT_TYPE /* type of mapping */
	/*Add an address map*/
	if(RegCoilListAdd(&modbusS_RTU, &regCoilItem0)==FALSE){
		return FALSE;
	if(RegCoilListAdd(&modbusS_RTU, &regCoilItem1)==FALSE){
		return FALSE;

The following code can be used to read and write modbus registers and coil values:

Uint16 temp = 0 XFF;
Uint16 temp1 [] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
MDS_RTU_WriteBits (& modbusS_RTU, 1, 5, & temp);
MDS_RTU_WriteReg (& modbusS_RTU, 11, temp);
MDS_RTU_WriteRegs (& modbusS_RTU, 5, 5, temp1, 0).

4.Future features

Modbus RTU host, Modbus ASCII host and slave.




2020/6/6 修正一个大小端错误。
Slaver 修正离散映射函数读取的错误。
Master 主机添加发送缓存。

2020/4/28 Master 主机的离散映射将必须指定从机号,不在采用共用方式。

2020/4/23 Slave 修复CRC宏的一个BUG。
Master 修复读命令,因变量从用导致错误的BUG。
串口初始化位置修改到MD_RTU_Serial.c 与 MDM_RTU_Serial.c内。

2020/4/13 Slave增加发送缓存,该项为可选项,可以通过MD_RTU_Fun.h内的宏配置,默认开启。

2020/4/12 增加收发转换控制。

2020/4/10 代码添加注释,规范注释方式,优化文件存放结构。

2020/4/4 Slave修复定时器溢出可能导致丢包的极小概率bug。

2020/4/3 Slave更改离散映射方式,输入分开映射

2020/3/31 Slave添加主机写回调函数监听。


ModBus RTU Slave 特性:
1)实现Modbus RTU Slave

ModBus RTU master 特性:
1)实现Modbus RTU master


示例中给出了在STM32F1系列芯片的一个移植示例,去过需要移植到其它芯片,需要对MD_RTU_Serial.c进行修改,实现串口函数的移植,以及需要在中断函数中调用串口与定时器的 函数。

void MDSSerialSendBytes(uint8 *bytes,uint16 num){


void MDSTimeHandler100US(uint32 times){
	_pModbus_RTU->mdRTUTimeHandlerFunction(_pModbus_RTU ,times);


void MDSSerialRecvByte(uint8 byte){
	_pModbus_RTU->mdsRTURecByteFunction(_pModbus_RTU , byte);


使用方式可以查看MD_RTU_APP.c文件的使用示例。 下面代码添加两个地址映射项,吧modbus地址与本地地址对应起来:

uint16 regCoilData0[32]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};
RegCoilItem regCoilItem0={
	.modbusAddr=0x0000,				/*MODBUS中的地址*/
	.modbusData=regCoilData0,	/*映射的内存单元*/
	.modbusDataSize=32,				/*映射的大小*/
	.addrType=REG_TYPE				/*映射的类型*/
uint16 regCoilData1[4]={0};
RegCoilItem regCoilItem1={
	.modbusAddr=0x0000,				/*MODBUS中的地址*/
	.modbusData=regCoilData1,	/*映射的内存单元*/
	.modbusDataSize=64,				/*映射的大小*/
	.addrType=BIT_TYPE				/*映射的类型*/
	if(RegCoilListAdd(&modbusS_RTU, &regCoilItem0)==FALSE){
		return FALSE;
	if(RegCoilListAdd(&modbusS_RTU, &regCoilItem1)==FALSE){
		return FALSE;

下面的代码可以实现用户端读写modbus 寄存器与线圈值:

	uint16 temp=0xff;
	uint16 temp1[]={1,2,3,4,5};
	MDS_RTU_WriteReg(&modbusS_RTU,11, temp);
	MDS_RTU_WriteRegs(&modbusS_RTU,5,5, temp1,0);

4.未来功能 Modbus ASCII主机与从机。

5.谢鸣 紫§尘、依叶知秋