Getting a speeding ticket is a nuisance.
Navigating the legal options of what you can do after you get cited is even more of a nuisance, especially if you were...
- Cited in an area that you are not local to (i.e one of the many small desert counties policed by CHP while driving through I-5)
- Cited in a high-population/popular/swamped county (i.e San Francisco Superior Court) where traffic court is the least of their concerns
- Have to work and don't have the time to spend entire day waiting in court
- Don't have acess/money to lawyers to contest a speeding ticket
- Tried reading through any of the various state court websites to find the information confusing/indigestible
This app would be an idiotproof DIY, self-serve, incremental 1/2/3/4/5...step process for those navigate what to do after they get cited, specifically:
- Instructions for how to contest the ticket (in-person or via mail, if they choose)
- What they can do to rectify the points on their driving records
Starting with static pages and CA alone, since that's where my knowledge (technical/non-technical) is bound to as of now.
Inspired by Thumbtack.
If you try to get information from the traffic court tellers in person, the good fine clerks at the courts usually don't know the scope of the laws themselves. Their incentive/objective is to collect the fines that you owe them (even if the law explicitly says payment after judgement, not before) - not to give you advice or help you navigate the system. Also traffic courts usually don't pick up their phones.
Everyone should know what their legal options are, without needing a lawyer or having to extensively research online for that info.
1/20: Realizing that if I ever want to get beyond static pages and basic RoR view creations, need to: A) Finish LRTHW, get to the part on objects, otherwise I'm lacking a crucial fundamental and can't really undersatnd things beyond the scope of the rails console. B) Learn Javascript/JQuery because everyone likes shit to move, not to be static.