
Jetserver is a high speed socket based multiplayer java game server written using JBoss Netty and Mike Rettig's Jetlang.It is specifically tuned for network based multiplayer games and supports TCP and UDP network protocols.

Primary LanguageJava

JetServer is a java nio based server specifically designed for mutliplayer games. It supports UDP and TCP transports. It uses JBoss Netty for high speed network transmission and Jetlang for extremely fast in-vm message passing between player sessions and game rooms. The project also uses spring for its dependency injection. This way, it is highly configurable and you can swap out any part of the server with your own implementations.


Using pre-built jar files

The pre-built jar files of this project are located in the jetserver/binaries directory. All dependant jars are located in the jetserver/lib directory. You can just add them to your classpath in your favorite IDE and start coding. If you want to compile from source, then follow steps below.

With Maven and using Eclipse

Pre-requisites: Please have maven 3+ and Spring source tool suite or eclipse installed. If you are using plain vanilla eclipse, then M2Eclipse and EGit plugins need to be installed. If you are using another IDE then the maven-eclipse plugin part in the pom.xml needs to be modified. This project has some AspectJ aspects, but it is not necessary for clients to use them.


  1. git clone git@github.com:menacher/java-game-server.git
  2. cd java-game-server
  3. cd jetserver
  4. mvn eclipse:eclipse - Takes time, the first time! If you want to reduce this time, then comment out include sources/jars option from the maven pom.xml eclipse plugin part.
  5. eclipse -> file -> import -> git -> select repository and import jetserver project.
  6. jetserver project in eclipse -> right click on pom.xml -> run as -> maven test - Takes time the first time!

If everything works as expected you should see some test cases executed successfully!

With Ant

If you are using ant, then the lib folder within the jetserver project contains all the dependent libraries. Just right click and run ant build and it will create the jetserver jar.

Happy coding!