
Social time is an online web application when you can use be up to date with socity. It have many features, including you make friend, create a post, like post and send comment on that post. You can chat with you group of friends. Its you place come and hangup with your group of people.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Social Time

Social time is an online web application when you can use be up to date with socity. It have many features, including you make friend, create a post, like post and send comment on that post. You can chat with you group of friends. Its you place come and hangup with your group of people.

Features of Web application

  • Authentication mannual and google
  • Post and Comment on posts
  • Delete and Update posts and comments
  • Uploading Photos and making Avatars
  • Making friends (send and accept friend requests)
  • Like in post and comment
  • Chating engine


  • Git
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • MongoDB
  • Reids Server

Technologies Used

  1. NodeJS
  2. Express
  3. EJS
  4. MongoDB
  5. PassportJS
  6. Nodemailer
  7. Multer
  8. Socket .io


Clone the latest Repository
gh repo clone yishnu96/Social
Into the project directory
cd Social

Configration of credentials

Make a file name environment.js in config folder and put the following credentials and export it

    db = '',                       // MongoDB path
    smtp_username = '',            // gmail username
    smtp_password = '',            // gmail password

    // Make an app google API and get clint id, secret key
    google_clint_id = '',          
    google_clint_secret = '',
    google_callback = '', 

    jwt_secret = '',            //use 256-bit WEP Key
    nodemailer_email = '',      // sender email id
    session_secret = ''         // use 128-bit WEP Key
Installing NPM dependencies
npm install
Then simply start your app
npm start

The Server should now be running at http://localhost:8000/