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piscine 42
In this project, you will learn the basics of threading a process. You will see how to create threads and you will discover mutexes.
The project requires students to implement their versions of some of the STL containers, such as vector, stack, and map, using only the C++98 standard library and no external libraries
This project will make you code a simple trojan horse
This project is about creating a website for the mighty Pong contest!
This project aims to broaden your knowledge of system administration by using Docker. You will virtualize several Docker images, creating them in your new personal virtual machine.
This project aims to deepen your knowledge by making you use K3d and K3s with Vagrant.
This project is here to make you write your own HTTP server
yismaili's Repositories
This project aims to deepen your knowledge by making you use K3d and K3s with Vagrant.
This project is here to make you write your own HTTP server
This project is about creating a website for the mighty Pong contest!
This project aims to broaden your knowledge of system administration by using Docker. You will virtualize several Docker images, creating them in your new personal virtual machine.
This project will make you code a simple trojan horse
piscine 42
In this project, you will learn the basics of threading a process. You will see how to create threads and you will discover mutexes.
C++ is a general-purpose programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language, or "C with Classes" (source: Wikipedia). The goal of these modules is to introduce you to Object-Oriented Programming. This will be the starting point of your C++ journey. Many languages are recommended to learn OOP. We decided to choose C++ since it’s derived from your old friend C. Because this is a complex language, and in order to keep things simple, your code will comply with the C++98 standard. We are aware modern C++ is way different in a lot of aspects. So if you want to become a proficient C++ developer, it’s up to you to go further after the 42 Common Core!
This project’s objectives are similar to all this first year’s objectives: Rigor, use of C, use of basic algorithms, information research etc. As a graphic design project, cub3D will enable you to improve your skills in these areas: windows, colors, events, fill shapes, etc. To conclude cub3D is a remarkable playground to explore the playful practical applications of mathematics without having to understand the specifics. With the help of the numerous documents available on the internet, you will use mathematics as a tool to create elegant and efficient algorithms.
The project requires students to implement their versions of some of the STL containers, such as vector, stack, and map, using only the C++98 standard library and no external libraries
This project is designed to automate the setup and deployment of a WordPress application by utilizing Docker and Ansible. It streamlines the management of complex IT infrastructure through the effective use of containerization and automation technologies.
The representation in 3D of a landscape is a critical aspect of modern mapping. For example, in these times of spatial exploration, to have a 3D representation of Mars is a prerequisite condition to its conquest. As another example, comparing various 3D representations of an area of high tectonic activity will allow you to better understand
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libft in c 1337
This project is about creating a simple shell. Yes, your own little bash. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors.
This project is a general practical exercise to let you discover networking.
This project will let you discover in detail a UNIX mechanism that you already know by using it in your program.
This project will make you sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. To succeed you’ll have to manipulate various types of algorithms and choose the most appropriate solution (out of many) for an optimized data sorting.