
CasC storage space of new and migrated personal projects.

MIT LicenseMIT


CasC storage space of new and migrated personal projects.

Initial project

Plan for stock project

  • Start locally with K8s w/ robotrade namespace
  • Add container with TSDB
  • Add container with Couchbase
  • Start new repo for new REST API
    • Adding/removing symbols to monitor (CB)
    • Ingesting 365 days of data from Alpaca into TSDB for given symbol
    • Predict 1, 2, 3, 5 days trends from historic data and actions to take
    • Evaluate predicted actions
  • Add testing
  • Move secrets into kubeseal
  • Publish relevant containers and helm chart
  • Add Flux for CD

Plan for moving to production

  • Start with Terraform w/ Linode w/ 3 nodes
  • Set up Flux

Next steps

  • Move over simple nginx static sites
  • Move over CO EOS
    • Add health checks
  • Move over everything else?
  • Apply machine learning?
  • Work on new game?