SDformer-Flow: Spiking Neural Network Transformer for Event-based optical flow estimation

This code allows for the reproduction of our paper. The following are results tested on our validation dataset on DSEC dataset. It shows events input, optical flow estimation by EVFlowNet, our STT-FlowNet, our SDformer-Flow and the ground truth data. Flow estimation are masked where valid ground truth data is available.


It is recommended to use conda enviornment:

conda create -n SDformerflow python=3.7.3
conda activate SDformerflow
conda install requierments.txt

Install the dependencies:

conda install requierments.txt

For the spiking neural network, we use Spikingjelly library version

Install the latest version of Spikingjelly:

pip install spikingjelly

In configs/, you can find the configuration files associated to these scripts and vary the inference settings (e.g., number of input events, learning rate).

We use Mlflow to log the training process.


To estimate optical flow from event sequences from the MVSEC dataset and compute the average endpoint error and percentage of outliers, run:

python --config configs/valid_DSEC_Supervised.yml



python --config configs/train_DSEC_supervised_MS_Spikingformer.yml