
API client for Jenkins 2 with executable

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API Client for Jenkins2


gem install jenkins2-api


You can specify server and credentials with parameters:


Or with environment variables:


Password can be a password or an API token from /user/{user}/configure

List computers / nodes

# List all nodes
jenkins2api node all

# Only slaves
jenkins2api node slaves

Get the name of the slave where a build was executed

jenkins2api build slave-name jobname buildid

If you build slave names contain an AWS EC2 ID, you you add --ec2id parameter to match for it and then it will print out only the ec2 instance id.

jenkins2api build slave-name jobname buildid --ec2id

Ruby side

All response are a generic Jenkins response. There are no wrapper classes around them.

Create a new client:

require 'jenkins2-api'

client = Jenkins2API::Client.new(
  :server   => 'http://jenkins.example.com/',
  :username => 'myusername',
  :password => 'myapitoken'

To list all the available jobs:

jobs = client.job.list
jobs.each do |job|
  puts "[%10s] #{job['name']}" % [job['color']]

List all node:

nodes = client.node.all
puts "Total Executors: #{nodes['totalExecutors']}"
puts "Busy Executors: #{nodes['busyExecutors']}"

puts "Executors:"
nodes['computer'].each do |computer|
  type = 'slave'
  type = 'master' if computer['_class'] == 'hudson.model.Hudson$MasterComputer'
  puts "  [%7s] #{computer['displayName']}" % [type]

Get a specific job's latest build information:

build = client.build.latest('my-job')

puts "Latest build: #{build['id']}"
puts "Result: #{build['result']}"
puts "URL: #{build['url']}"
logfiles = build['artifacts'].select { |artifact| artifact['fileName'].match(/.*\.xml$/) }

slave_name = client.build.slave_name('my-job', build['id'])

puts "Build on: #{slave_name}"

Process junit reports:

failed_tests = []
logfiles.each do |file|
  results = Nokogiri::XML(client.artifact.get('my-job', build['id'], file))
  failed_tests += results.xpath('//testcase').select do |testcase|

puts "Failed tests:" unless failed_tests.empty?
failed_tests.each do |failed|
  puts "  [✘] #{failed['name']} on #{failed['classname']}"

List and Install plugins

p client.configuration.plugin_list

  'Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor',  # Plugin name
  'blueocean-pipeline-editor'    # Plugin ID

# Safe restart our jenkins master when all plugins are installed.

From CLI:

jenkins2api plugin list
jenkins2api plugin install 'Pipeline: Stage View Plugin' 'pipeline-stage-view'
jenkins2api system safe-restart

Trigger a build

client.job.build('test-project', { GIT_BRANCH: 'experiment' })

From CLI

jenkins2api job build test-project-clone
jenkins2api job build test-project --params=GIT_BRANCH:experiment GIT_REPO:customrepo