The Pytorch implementation of LIE-IQA.
You can get the MindSpore implementation here LIE-IQA-mindspore. It is worth noting that the MindSpore implementation of Image Intrinsic Decomposition (IID) Module is different from the Pytorch implementation , but there is not much difference in performance. Please refer to the specific code for details.
The code on Pytorch will be released soon.
- Python3
- Pytorch 1.6
- Torchvision
- cuda 10.2
LIE-IQA Framework
Performance on LIE-IQA Dataset
Performance on General Scene IQA Dataset
Optimization framework
Qualitative comparison of the quality optimization result
- DALE[1]
Quantitative comparison of the quality optimization result
- SSIM, NIQE, DISTS, hyperIQA and our LIE-IQA
[1]Kwon, Dokyeong, Guisik Kim, and Junseok Kwon. "DALE: Dark Region-Aware Low-light Image Enhancement." arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.12493 (2020).