
Accelerate IOTA transactions by caching API requests and redirecting to faster alternatives

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Gitter GitHub release

Tangle-accelerator is a caching proxy server for IOTA, which can cache API requests and rewrite their responses as needed to be routed through full nodes. Thus, one instance of Tangle-accelerator can serve thousands of Tangle requests at once without accessing remote full nodes frequently.

As an intermediate server accelerateing interactions with the Tangle, it faciliates dcurl to perform hardware-accelerated PoW operations on edge devices. In the meanwhile, Tangle-accelerator provides shortcuts for certain use scenarios such as MAM and TangleID.

At the moment, it is not feasible to host fully-functioned full nodes on Raspberry Pi class Arm devices, but Raspberry Pi 3 is known to be capable to execute Tangle-accelerator without problems. Since it is written in C/C++ with entangled, both footprint and startup time are behaved pretty well.


Tangle-accelerator as an intermediate server provides services like transaction explorer, issuing transfers and even PoW Accelerate to make attach to tangle faster. Certain API queries can store into memory cache for better searching and easier to reattach.

+----------+    |  +-----------------+       +-----------+  |       
|          |    |  | Service         |       | Cache     |  |
|  Client  <-----> |                 | <---> |           |  |
|          |    |  | -Explorer       |       | -Trytes   |  |
+----------+    |  | -Transfer       |       | -LFU/LRU  |  |
                |  | -PoW Accelerate |       |           |  |
                |  | -Proxy          |       |           |  |
                |  +-----------------+       +-----------+  |
                |         ^                                 |
                | Full Node                                 |
                |          +----------------------+         |
                |          | Consensus            |         |
                |          +----------------------+         |


Tangle-accelerator, at this moment, supports the following TCP/IP derived protocols:

  • HTTP
  • MQTT


HTTP can be used in the normal internet service. User can use RESTful APIs to interact with tangle-accelerator.


MQTT is a lightweight communication protocol which can be used in the IoT scenarios. Tangle-accelerator's support to MQTT allows embedded devices to write data on IOTA internet with relative low quality hardware devices. We hope this will speed up DLT into our daily life.


This page contains basic instructions for setting up tangle-accelerator, You can generate full documentation and API reference via Doxygen. The documentation is under docs/ after generated:

$ doxygen Doxyfile


Tangle-accelerator is built and launched through Bazel, it also requires Redis to cache in-memory data. Please make sure you have following tools installed:

Build from Source

Before running tangle-accelerator, please edit binding address/port of accelerator instance, IRI, and redis server in accelerator/config.h unless they are all localhost and/or you don't want to provide external connection. With dependency of entangled, IRI address doesn't support https at the moment. Here are some configurations you might need to change:

  • TA_HOST: binding address of accelerator instance
  • TA_PORT: port of accelerator instance
  • IRI_HOST: binding address of IRI
  • IRI_PORT: port of IRI
$ make && bazel run //accelerator

Optional: Build Docker Images

If you prefer building a docker image, tangle-accelerator also provides build rules for it. Note that you still have to edit configurations in accelerator/config.h.

$ make && bazel run //accelerator:ta_image

There's also an easier option to pull image from docker hub then simply run with default configs. Please do remember a redis-server is still required in this way.

$ docker run -d --net=host --name tangle-accelerator dltcollab/tangle-accelerator

Optional: Build and Push Docker Image to Docker Hub

Before pushing the docker image to Docker Hub, you need to log in the docker registry:

$ docker login

Then you could push the docker image with the following command:

$ make && bazel run //accelerator:push_docker

If you get the following error message:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Note: The failure of target @containerregistry//:digester (with exit code 1) may have been caused by the fact that it is running under Python 3 instead of Python 2. Examine the error to determine if that appears to be the problem. Since this target is built in the host configuration, the only way to change its version is to set --host_force_python=PY2, which affects the entire build.

If this error started occurring in Bazel 0.27 and later, it may be because the Python toolchain now enforces that targets analyzed as PY2 and PY3 run under a Python 2 and Python 3 interpreter, respectively. See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7899 for more information.

Use the --host_force_python=PY2 parameter to force the Bazel to use the Python2 in entire build.

$ make && bazel run //accelerator:push_docker --host_force_python=PY2

Optional: Enable MQTT connectivity

MQTT connectivity is an optional feature allowing IoT endpoint devices to collaborate with Tangle-Accelerator.

make MQTT && bazel run //accelerator:accelerator_mqtt

Note you may need to set up the MQTT_HOST and TOPIC_ROOT in config.h to connect to a MQTT broker. For more information for MQTT connectivity of tangle-accelerator, you could read connectivity/mqtt/usage.md.


The codebase of this repository follows Google's C++ guidelines:

  • Please run hooks/autohook.sh install after initial checkout.
  • Pass -c dbg for building with debug symbols.

Tools required for running git commit hook

  • buildifier
  • clang-format


Buildifier can be installed with bazel or go

Install with go

  1. change directory to $GOPATH
  2. run $ go get github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/buildifier The executable file will be located under $GOPATH/bin
  3. make a soft link for global usage, run $ sudo ln -s $HOME/go/bin/buildifier /usr/bin/buildifier

Install with bazel

  1. clone bazelbuild/buildtools repository $ git clone https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools.git
  2. change directory to buildtools
  3. build it with bazel command, $ bazel build //buildifier The executable file will be located under path/to/buildtools/bazel-bin
  4. make a soft link or move the executable file under /usr/bin


clang-format can be installed by command:

  • Debian/Ubuntu based systems: $ sudo apt-get install clang-format
  • macOS: $ brew install clang-format


Tangle-accelerator is freely redistributable under the MIT License. Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.