This project is intended to demonstrate how to create RESTful server stub with Dropwizard as well as other All topics that this project is used for are:
- Open cmd.exe and navigate to project's root folder.
- Build project and package JAR with following command
gradlew clean build shadowJar
Run JAR with following command
java -jar build/dyson.jar server config.yml
You can run project directly from Gradle with following command
gradlew run
There are several functionalities implemented in the stub. See linked posts for more details how to use them.
Database where you can add, get or remove persons with JSON showing RESTful web services functionality described in Build a RESTful stub server with Dropwizard post. GET endpoints are: http://localhost:9000/person/all, http://localhost:9000/person/get/{id}, http://localhost:9000/person/remove. POST endpoint is: http://localhost:9000/person/save.