
NAFLD classification

Primary LanguageR

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ROC Analysis for binary and 3 classes classification
Melih Agraz
R documents


This is the ROC Analysis in R with 2 different methods, classical and machine learning (ML). In classical ROC analysis, it uses the conventional ROC analysis method with pROC library and in the ML ROC analysis it uses the naive Bayes method and combines more then 2 biomarkers.

1) Classical ROC Analysis (classic_ROC.R)

i) Requirements for classic_ROC.R

install.packages(c("pROC",  "cutpointr "))

ii) How the method works?

The main structure of the classical ROC Analysis is:

    method = c("best", "cutoff", "maximized"),
    index = NULL,
    cutoff = NULL)

Definition of the parameters

data  : data.frame
x     : biomarker
y     : binary output
method: 3 different methods c("best", "cutoff", "maximized")
index : if the method is "best", you can either select the "youden" or "closest.topleft"
cutoff: if the method is "cutoff", you can specify the cut-off value in between the biomarker range

Example for classic ROC Analysis

You can run 3 different version of the classical ROC analysis by specifying the method with "best", "cutoff" or "maximized".

method = "best"

It is selecting the optimum cut-off based on the indexes( index = c("youden",“closest.topleft”)).

ROC_fin(data = aSAH, 
    method = "best",
    index = "youden",
    cutoff = NULL)


          threshold sensitivity specificity  ppv    npv accuracy  auc
threshold     0.205      0.6341      0.8056 0.65 0.7945   0.7434  0.75

method = "cutoff"

You need to specify the cutoff point of the biomarker and the function will give you the sensitivity, specificity, ppv, npv, accuracy and auc values for that cutoff point.

  data = aSAH, 
    method =  "cutoff",
    index = NULL,
    cutoff = 0.11)


          threshold sensitivity specificity    ppv    npv accuracy auc
threshold      0.11      0.7805      0.4861 0.4638 0.7955   0.5929. 0.75

method = "maximized"

Maximizing the specificity and sensitivity based on the minimizing the sensitivity and specificity, respectively.

    data = aSAH, 
    method =   "maximized",
    index = NULL,
    cutoff = NULL)


  cut_off       Sen      Spec       PPV       NPV       Acc Minimum_Specificity
1   0.060 0.9756098 0.1111111 0.3846154 0.8888889 0.4247788                0.01
2   0.065 0.9756098 0.1388889 0.3921569 0.9090909 0.4424779                0.10
3   0.090 0.8780488 0.3055556 0.4186047 0.8148148 0.5132743                0.25
4   0.120 0.7560976 0.5416667 0.4843750 0.7959184 0.6194690                0.50
5   0.190 0.6341463 0.7777778 0.6190476 0.7887324 0.7256637                0.75

  cut_off       Sen      Spec       PPV       NPV       Acc Minimum_Sensitivity
1    0.74 0.1463415 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.6728972 0.6902655                0.01
2    0.70 0.2195122 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.6923077 0.7168142                0.10
3    0.54 0.2682927 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.7058824 0.7345133                0.25
4    0.30 0.5121951 0.8333333 0.6363636 0.7500000 0.7168142                0.50
5    0.12 0.7560976 0.5416667 0.4843750 0.7959184 0.6194690                0.75

$maximum_sensitivity gives the highest sensitivity based on the minimum specificity values. For instance, for the minimum specificity (Minimum_Specificity) 0.75, we obtained the sensitivity 0.6341463.

2) Machine Learning (ML) AUC Calculation (ROC_ML.R)

i) Requirements for ROC_ML.R

You must install the related packages below.

install.packages(c("dplyr","ROCR","ggplot2", "PRROC", "klaR", "stringr", 

Example for ML AUC Calculation

If you want to calculate the AUC using naive Bayes ML algorithm, you should define the name of your dependent variable. You should first prepare the data.

data = aSAH
dataASAH<-data %>% 
  dplyr::select(c("outcome", "s100b", "ndka" ))

After that, you can run it now.

ROC_Anfin4(dataASAH, dependent = "outcome", k=5)

So the output will be the confusion matrix like below.

Sensitivity Specificity         PPV         NPV    ACC         AUC 
     0.4375      0.6503      0.0603      0.9575   0.856      0.5483