Filtering In Neural Implicit Functions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Simple And Effective Filtering Scheme For Improving Neural Fields

This repository contains the code for the paper "A Simple And Effective Filtering Scheme For Improving Neural Fields".


The code has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04, please follow the following instructions to install the requirements.

  conda create --name finn python=3.7
  conda activate finn
  conda install  pytorch==1.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 torchvision -c pytorch
  pip install -r requirements.txt

Regress images

  • Run the following command: python image_regress.py -g 0 --data './data' --model FINN to regress all images located at folder data using the network FINN on gpu 0.
  • To fit a single image, use the following command: python image_regress.py -g 0 --data './data/reference_1.png' --model FINN instead.
  • For an alternative network, e.g., FFN, use the command: python image_regress.py -g 0 --data './data/reference_1.png' --model FFN.
  • Generate an image with arbitary resolution, e.g., 1000, run python image_regress.py --ckpt pretrained_checkpoint_path --test_file save_to_file --model FINN -g 3 --res 1000.

Statistics for images

  • Run the following command: python statistics_images.py for PSNR statistics.
  • For the ꟻLIP metric, please use the code from NVIDIA

Reconstruct 3D Surface from point cloud

  • Run the following command: python surface_reconstruct.py --data './test.xyz' --pc_num 100000 --model FINN -g 0 to train the point cloud using the network FINN. At each iteration, 100000 points are randomly sampled.

  • Generate a mesh from the signed distance field with an arbitrary resolution, e.g., 1600, run python surface_reconstruct.py --ckpt pretrained_checkpoint_path --test_file save_to_file --model FINN -g 3 --res 1600.

  • Run the following command: python calc_error_abc.py --gt './shapename.obj' --pred './logs/shapename_FINN/mesh/10000.ply' to compute reconstruction error indicated by the chamfer distance.

Novel view synthesis

  • We use a simplified version of NeRF for demonstration. We replace the 'Positional Encodering' with 'Gaussian Random Fourier Feature Mapping' and apply 'Filtering' to MLPs. The source code is at file folder ./tiny-nerf.
  • Run the following command: python run_nerf.py --config ./configs/fern.txt -g 0 to train on 'Fern' dataset. The testing PSNR will be saved.


  • Download the datasets for image regression and 3D reconstruction from google drive.
  • Download the datasets, following the instruction of nerf-pytorch.


Please cite our work if you find it useful:

  title={A Simple And Effective Filtering Scheme For Improving Neural Fields},
  author={Zhuang, Yixin},
  journal={Computational Visual Media},