Primary LanguagePython

	calculate trend and corresponding p value

	the output of flow.py
	[station] [trend] [p value]

	the difference between our calculated trend and p-value and those reported in Brutsaert's paper (for 1988-2007)
	[station] [trend diff (cal-Bru)] [trend diff percentage] [p-value diff] [p-value diff perc]

	stations which has a calculated trend for 1988-2007 different than Bru's trend for >5%
	[station] [trend diff percentage (cal-Bru)] [p-value diff percentage (cal-Bru)] 

	comparing calculated yL7 with yL7 calculated by Bru
	each row is a year, 20 rows altother (1988-2007)
	the first 41 colums are Bru's data; the second 41 columns are our calculated data
	in the order of station.order

	difference between Bru's yL7 and our calculated yL7 (Bru's - ours)
	each row is a year, 20 rows altother (1988-2007)
	each column is a basin, in the order of station.order

	python script to plot yL7 difference

	process USGS well data

	USGS well data

# input
	list of station ID in the order of listed in Bru's paper (same order as Bru's raw yL7 data))

	matching stations with 11 basins
	[station] [number of basin] [basin name]

	a list of the names of 11 larger basins (ordered)

	list of 11 basins (same order as listed in Bru's paper)
	directly from Liz
	not read by scripts

	the original values in the GIS map for the 11 basins
	(in the order of listed bas_map)

# output
trend_[start year]_[end year]_[K*]
	trend at each station (for specified K value)
	[station] [trend(mm/yr)] [p-value]

yL7_[start year]_[end year]
	7-day annual low flow
	each row: a year
	each column: a station (in the order of station.list)

yL7_occur_month_[start year]_[end year]
	the occurrence month of the 7-day low flow
	same format as yL7_[start year]_[end year]

trend_[start year]_[end year]_map
	the areal mean storage trend for 11 basins
	each row: a bain (in the order of basin.list)
	first column: the values in the original GIS raster file (gwtrends2.asc)
	second column: trend values (to substitute the values in the first column)
	this file can be directly read by rewrite.scr

trend_resid_[start year]_[end year]_map
	the areal mean standard deviation for residual of storage trend for 11 basins
	each row: a bain (in the order of basin.list)
	first column: the values in the original GIS raster file (gwtrends2.asc)
	second column: SD values (to substitute the values in the first column)
	this file can be directly read by rewrite.scr

trend_flow_larger_basin_[start year]_[end year]
	regression coefficients for flow trend of 11 larger basins
	each row: a basin (in the order of basin.list)
	the regression is: y = m * x + c, where x is year; y is areal mean annual low flow
	first column: m [mm/(d*yr)]; second column: c [mm/d]

In Brutsaert_data directory
Low flows east of Rockies (1).xlsx
	raw Excel data from Liz

	revise the format of 'residual' sheet in the above Excel

	formatted Bru's yL7 data
	each row is yL7 for a year (1988-2007)
	each column is a basin, in the order of station.order
	unit: mm/d

	the trend and p value reported in Brutsaert 2009 paper (for 1988-2007)