
Primary LanguageR


A package that builds on the bcaboot package to compute bias corrected and accelerated bootstrap confidence limits . By implementing parallel computing using the furrr package, we are able to make substantial speed improvements.

For further information the bca bootstrapping method, refer to

  • Computer Age Satistical Inference found here
  • Or the manual for bcaboot


To install, use devtools::install_github("yixinsun1216/uggs")


 ## create covariates
 x1 <- rnorm(1000)
 x2 <- rnorm(length(x1))
 ## fixed effects
 fe <- factor(sample(20, length(x1), replace=TRUE))
 ## effects for fe
 fe_effs <- rnorm(nlevels(fe))
 ## creating left hand side y
 u <- rnorm(length(x1))
 y <- 2 * x1 + x2 + fe_effs[fe] + u
 # create dataframe to pass into uggs
 df_test <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, x1, x2, fe))
 # function that returns parameter of interest, x1
 est_test <- function(df){
 	m <- felm(y ~ x1 + x2 | fe, df)
 x1_boot <- uggs(df_test, 1000, est_test, jcount = 40, jreps = 5)
      bca      std      pct   jacksd     
0.025 1.977667 1.975631 0.029 0.004010308
0.05  1.987274 1.985915 0.054 0.001749787
0.1   1.996758 1.99777  0.102 0.004436592
0.5   2.038755 2.039592 0.486 0.001477231
0.9   2.08201  2.081414 0.902 0.002506374
0.95  2.096626 2.09327  0.954 0.004449781
0.975 2.106012 2.103553 0.979 0.001599195

       theta       sdboot          z0          a    sdjack
est 2.039592 0.0326336866 -0.01754730 0.02673691 0.0315359
jsd 0.000000 0.0007583239  0.03020335 0.00000000 0.0000000

[1] 1000.000000    2.039816

    ustat       sdu 
2.0393682 0.1367483