
Code for research of Racket garbage collector

Primary LanguageRacket

Garbage Collector Evaluation


This project is for my master's thesis at EECS Northwestern University, which is to evaluate the efficiency and heap layout when running different garbage collectors with different memory allocation patterns, so that we can give suggestions on how to choose the right garbage collector with cogent reasoning and benchmarks.


To build garbage collector that's easy to benchmark and not have to touch interpreter or compiler, I referred to:


  • Generational + Mark-Sweep
  • Generational + Incremental Mark-Sweep



  • Direct Mapped (E=1)
  • Direct Mapped (E=2)
  • Write-through
  • Write-back

Memory Allocation

  • flat only
  • pair
  • list
  • balanced tree
  • unbalanced tree with nodes all linked by first of cons
  • closure
  • vector
  • struct
  • mixer

Data Tag

  • flat
  • pair
  • closure
  • vector
  • structure type
  • structure instance

Heap value

  • number
  • symbol
  • char
  • string
  • bytes
  • eof-object
  • regexp
  • boolean
  • void
  • empty
  • closure-code

Known Issues

  • plai/gc2/mutator interpret programs from racket syntax to gc level, but it is not that extensible. As the syntax it supports is limited and there's no easy to include libraries by calling require but have to add function wrappers inside plai/gc2/mutator.rkt.
  • Incremental Collector is not that incremental. Free and Mark white objects are done in one scan.
  • string and regexp, byte-regexp should not be stored as heap values but instead in their own data types.