
This script is 'opinionated' and makes the following assumptions:

  1. Azure CLI is installed on this machine
  2. You need to have a valid 'SubscriptionID'
  3. You need to have a valid 'ResourceGroup' created in the 'Location' of choice
  4. You need to enough quota to create VMs 'azure vm list-usage --location '

[NOTE] If you are running windows desktop, install virtualBox and Vagrant and create a Lucid64 box



Optional Parameters:

  • --help Display these options
  • --dry-run Skip creating any resources
  • --test Just generate the files based on defaults
  • --skip-login Skip logging into Azure and re-use the existing login
  • --prefix Enter a prefix for skipping inputs
  • --subscription Enter Azure SubscriptionID
  • --resource-group Enter Azure Resource Group
  • --location Enter Azure Location (e.g. usgoviowa)

Steps to setup Azure Env

  1. ./create-azure-env.sh script creates all the required Azure resources and generates config files needed for PCF install in the 'temp' directory:

  2. Next step is to create 'A' records in your DNS registry Create an 'A' record in your DNS registry to point your to Create an 'A' record in your DNS registry to point your ssh. to

  3. The script also creates an Ubuntu 14 Jumpbox using Azure Portal and copies the config files and scripts to the jumpbox under ~/pcf-azure-install directory

  4. SSH on to the jumpbox

  5. Run the following commands:

  • cd ~/pcf-azure-install/scripts
  • sudo ./setupbosh.sh
  • ./download_artifacts.sh
  • ./deploy_bosh_director.sh
  • ./deploy_pcf.sh
  • ./deploy_all.sh