
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains the code accompanying the paper "ParFam - Symbolic Regression using Global Continuous Optimization", which investigates a new symbolic regression method leveraging the structure of common physical laws.

The code is implemented in Python 3 and requires the packages specified in requirements.txt.


For applications it is usually enough to use the wrapper ParFamWrapper in parfamwrapper.py by simply calling

parfam = ParFamWrapper(iterate=True, functions=functions, function_names=function_names)
parfam.fit(x, y, time_limit=100)

The computed formula can then be assessed by running


and it can be used for predictions using

y_pred = parfam.predict(x).

A more thourough introduction with some examples is schon in example.ipynb


The parfam_torch.py module contains the main work of this repository: The ParFamTorch class which defines the ParFam algorithm and the Evaluator class which provides the framework to evaluate the learned coefficients for a given data set and obtain the loss function as specified in Equation (2) in "ParFam - Symbolic Regression using Global Continuous Optimization": $$L(\theta)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N\left(y_i-f_\theta(x_i)\right)^2+ \lambda R(\theta)$$

The formula is learned by calling any optimizer on the loss function defiend by the Evaluator class. An example using basinhopping:

model = ParFamTorch(n_input=1, degree_input_numerator=2, degree_output_numerator=2, width=1,
                        functions=[torch.sin], function_names=[sympy.sin], maximal_potence=2,
                        degree_input_denominator=2, degree_output_denominator=2,
                        degree_output_denominator_specific=[1], device=device)
n_params = model.get_number_parameters()
evaluator = Evaluator(x, y, model=model, lambda_0=0, lambda_1=0.001, lambda_denom=0, n_params=n_params)
x0 = np.random.randn(n_params)
ret = basinhopping(evaluator.loss_func, niter=5, x0=x0, minimizer_kwargs={'jac': evaluator.gradient})
coefficients = torch.tensor(ret.x, device=device)

Running parfam_torch.py will start the computation of a simple test function, to see if everything has been installed correctly. There are many hyperparameters for both ParFamTorch and Evaluator, which are introduced in their respective constructors. To obtain the function given the coefficients run the command,

model.get_formula(ret.x, decimals=10)

which returns the formula as a sympy function. This can be used to predict new inputs, however, it is recommended to avoid sympy for evaluation and instead keep everything in pytorch by running

model.predict(ret.x, x)

These base functionalities are all included in the function dev_training, which should run by starting the main function to test if the installation worked and can be used to gain familiarity with the framework. It tests the process for arbitrary mathematical functions which can be specified in dev_training directly.

To run the experiments from Section 3.1 on the SRBench ground-truth problems [1] you first have to download the Feynman and Strogatz data sets by downloading https://github.com/EpistasisLab/pmlb. After completing this use the command

python benchmark.py -c feynman.ini

The config file feynman.ini has to be stored in the folder config_files and contains parameters about

  1. the experiment itself (results path, dataset path, which dataset, etc.),
  2. the model parameters and
  3. the training parameters.

The most important thing that has to be customized in the setting is the variable path_pmlb which must be set to the path of the pmlb directory on your machine. To process these results see the notebook Process the results.ipynb and to visualize them to obtain the figures as shown in the paper, follow the notebook results/plots/srbench_groundtruth_results.ipynb.

To run the experiments for the optimizer comparison set the variable comparison_subset in the config file to True and choose the optimizer you want to test. All our results are saved in the results folder.

The notebook expressivity.ipynb contains our calculation in Section 2.2.


[1] La Cava, William, Patryk Orzechowski, Bogdan Burlacu, Fabrício Olivetti de França, Marco Virgolin, Ying Jin, Michael Kommenda, and Jason H. Moore. "Contemporary symbolic regression methods and their relative performance." arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.14351 (2021).