
  • read .tax files and counting. saving result as pickle

  • Create a table with column taxonomy ID and row .tax file name from pickle files

  • Create any type of table you want, such as rank, exclusion, inclusion

    #option in the top of

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Counter') parser.add_argument('--vrank', type=str, default='T') parser.add_argument('--trank', type=str, default='T') parser.add_argument('--vers', type=str, default='1.04') parser.add_argument('--rm', type=int, default=1) args = parser.parse_args()

    remove_list = [] view_list = []

    args.vrank : view rank you want to see args.trank : target rank you want to remove or include args.rm : if 1, remove x in remove_list for args.trank elif 0, only include view_list for args.trank remove_list : list you want to remove from all columns view_list : list of only the parts you want to include in the whole