
Official implementation for Training Certifiably Robust Neural Networks with Efficient Local Lipschitz Bounds (NeurIPS, 2021).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Training Certifiably Robust Neural Networks with Efficient Local Lipschitz Bounds (Local-Lip)


TL;DR: We propose an efficient and trainable local Lipscthiz bound for training certifibly robust neural networks.

Certified robustness is a desirable property for deep neural networks in safety-critical applications, and popular training algorithms can certify robustness of a neural network by computing a global bound on its Lipschitz constant. However, such a bound is often loose: it tends to over-regularize the neural network and degrade its natural accuracy. A tighter Lipschitz bound may provide a better tradeoff between natural and certified accuracy, but is generally hard to compute exactly due to non-convexity of the network. In this work, we propose an efficient and trainable \emph{local} Lipschitz upper bound by considering the interactions between activation functions (e.g. ReLU) and weight matrices. Specifically, when computing the induced norm of a weight matrix, we eliminate the corresponding rows and columns where the activation function is guaranteed to be a constant in the neighborhood of each given data point, which provides a provably tighter bound than the global Lipschitz constant of the neural network. Our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both clean and certified accuracy on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and TinyImageNet datasets with various network architectures.

For more details please see our NeurIPS 2021 paper.


This directory includes the Pytorch implementation of Local-Lip, an efficient and trainable local Lipscthiz bound for training certifibly robust neural networks. Local_bound.py contains the the codes for computing the proposed local Lipschitz bound, and the codes for certifiable training and evaluation. train_cifar10.py and train_mnist.py contain the codes to train models on CIFAR-10 and MNIST. evaluate.py contains the codes to evaluate certified robustness. utils.py contains the codes of architectures and hyper-parameter specifications. data_load.py contains the codes of loading in the data. The pretrained models are in pretrained.

The codes for training models on TinyImagenet are in the TinyImagenet folder. We use distributed training to train on 4 GPUs for the TinyImagenet dataset. The codes are organized in the same way as the codes for CIFAR-10 and MNIST, but modified to accomodate for distributed training.


The codes are tested under NVIDIA container image for PyTorch, release 20.11.

  • python==3.6
  • torch==1.8.0
  • torchvision==0.8.0
  • advertorch==0.2.3
  • Apex (only needed for distributed training)


All the training scripts are in run_job.sh

For instance, to train a certifiably robust CIFAR-10 model using local Lipschitz bound, run: python train_cifar10.py --model c6f2_relux --sniter 2 --init 2.0 --end_lr 1e-6.

To run experiments on TinyImagenet, go to the TinyImagenet folder. To prepare the TinyImagenet dataset, execute TinyImagenet/data/tinyimagenet.sh, and the dataset will be saved in folder TinyImagenet/data/tiny-imagenet-200/.


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  title={Training Certifiably Robust Neural Networks with Efficient Local Lipschitz Bounds},
  author={Huang, Yujia and Zhang, Huan and Shi, Yuanyuan and Kolter, J Zico and Anandkumar, Anima},
