⚡️Curated list of resources for the development and applications of blockchain.
- a24ibrahUniversity of Waterloo
- alanoteles
- alexandru-patrick-pop
- ankitsingh101
- baajarmehdeveloping a new AI project...
- binhphi109
- bmullanCisco Systems, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marrieta Hughes Space & Communications
- bshawkChina
- Cao-Bin
- coldfish-st
- dipaksarafkolkata India
- ganeshkbhatInviting projects currently
- gcarrenoLancaster/Lancashire/UK
- heheshangchina
- jhcloos
- JoaquinMVRMéxico
- meehow@808bits
- momokanni
- moviezhouBeijing.China
- namanattriShimla
- panjunle
- rouroujiang
- sengar23Yokai Network
- shriharipCopenhagen
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- sulabhvikas
- tangzhileo
- terapaht
- VelementsMount
- WenchenLiNew York
- wilndHUNAN
- xiaopotian1990
- xt00002003
- yasaricli@tsepeti
- zhangqs0205
- zhaoqinli