This node script and package that allows you to install Elm packages directly from Github, bypassing the package repository (package.elm-lang.org) while also enabling restricted (effect manager and native) packages to be installed.
There are some things that made this possible:
- The basic design of Elm packages: using github, semantic versioning and tags
- Semver package to validate versions
- SemverResolver package that does the actual resolving
These are the steps the installer takes:
- Reads the dependencies from
- Transforms them to semver dependencies - 4.0.4 <= v < 5.0.0 becomes >= 4.0.4 < 5.0.0
- Loads the dependencies of the packages form Github and transforms them also
- Resolve the dependencies
- Install resolved dependencies into
- Writes
with the resolved dependencies
There are some caveats though:
- [TODO] This installer doesn't check the installed elm-version
- [DEPENDENCY] Git tags (semver) are needed other references cannot be installed (branch-name, commit-hash)
- [DEPENDENCY] Git is needed
- [DEPENDENCY] Node is needed
Install it:
npm install -g elm-github-install
Elm packages are name after their github repositories, so you can simply declare the github package you want the way you would declare any other package. For example, if you want to install NoRedInk's Elm css at version 1.3.0, you would do the following:
# elm-package.json
"dependencies": {
"githubUser/repoName": "desiredVersion <= v < someLargerNumber",
"NoRedInk/nri-elm-css": "1.3.0 <= 1.3.0 < 2.0.0",
You can find the current version of the package in the repository's elm-package.json
Use the command:
The following repositories have their packages successfully installed and the main file successfully compiled (2016-06-12):
- [STANDARD] https://github.com/debois/elm-mdl/tree/v7/demo - Demo.elm
- [STANDARD] https://github.com/evancz/elm-sortable-table/tree/master/examples - 1-presidents.elm
- [HAVE GITHUB DEPS] https://github.com/gdotdesign/elm-ui-website - source/Main.elm