Gatling plugin for Gradle demo project

A simple showcase of a Gradle project using Gatling plugin for Gradle.

It includes:

  • minimal build.gradle leveraging Gradle wrapper

  • latest version of io.gatling.gradle plugin applied

  • sample Simulation class, demonstrating sufficient Gatling functionality

  • proper source file layout

Create sample project

For this quickstart: git must be installed and available in $PATH, and a JDK must be installed and $JAVA_HOME configured.

$ git clone
$ cd ./gatling-gradle-plugin-demo

Run simulations

To test it out, use following commands:

  • Run all Gatling simulations at once

$ ./gradlew gatlingRun
  • Run single simulation by its FQN (fully qualified class name)

$ ./gradlew gatlingRun-computerdatabase.BasicSimulation