
The InnerEye-Gateway is a Windows service that acts as a DICOM end point to run inference on https://github.com/microsoft/InnerEye-DeepLearning models.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



This document has instructions specially for InnerEye-Gateway https://github.com/microsoft/InnerEye-Gateway.

For InnerEye-Inference repo please visit this documentation.

The InnerEye-Gateway comprises Windows services that act as a DICOM Service Class Provider. After an Association Request to C-STORE a set of DICOM image files, these will be anonymised and passed to a web service running InnerEye-Inference. Inference will then pass them to an instance of InnerEye-Deeplearning running on Azure to execute InnerEye-DeepLearning models. The result is downloaded, deanonymised and passed to a configurable DICOM destination. All DICOM image files, and the model output, are automatically deleted immediately after use.

The gateway should be installed on a machine within your DICOM network that is able to access a running instance of InnerEye-Inference.



Getting Started

To get started with setting up this project you will need the following pre-requisites:

  1. A machine running Windows 10, because the Gateway runs as Windows Services. It requires a network card to act as a DICOM SCP and for access to the InnerEye-Inference web service. A large hard disk is not required because the DICOM image files are not kept for very long.

  2. Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (Download Visual Studio Community Edition)

  3. .Net Framework 4.6.2 Download .Net Framework

  4. To clone the repository a git client with large file support, e.g. git for windows

  5. Wix Toolset for building the installer Download WixToolset

  6. Run the PowerShell script to download two DICOM tools required for testing the gateway: ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/download_dcmtk.ps1. Note that these tools are only required for testing but the test projects and therefore the gateway will not build without them. Note also that the default PowerShell execution policy will not allow running scripts, more information is available here: about execution policies. In brief:

    a. Start PowerShell with the Run as administrator option.

    b. Run the PowerShell command:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

    and agree to the change.

  7. InnerEye-Inference service from https://github.com/microsoft/InnerEye-Inference running as a web service, using, for example Azure Web Services. Note the URI that the service has been deployed to and the license key stored in the environment variable CUSTOMCONNSTR_API_AUTH_SECRET on the InnerEye-Inference deployment, they are needed as explained below.

License Keys

For security in InnerEye-Gateway and InnerEye-Inference the license keys are stored in environment variables and never stored in JSON or other configuration files. InnerEye-Inference uses the environment variable CUSTOMCONNSTR_API_AUTH_SECRET whereas InnerEye-Gateway allows the name of the environment variable to be configured in the JSON file in the LicenseKeyEnvVar property. This is so that the tests may be configured to run against a different InnerEye-Inference web service. Note also that because the applications run as windows services the environment variables should be system variables, not user variables, so they can be accessed by the services.

Alongside LicenseKeyEnvVar the property InferenceUri holds the URI of a running instance of InnerEye-Inference and the environment variable identified by LicenseKeyEnvVar should hold the license key for that instance.

For example if InferenceUri is "https://myinnereyeinference.azurewebsites.net", LicenseKeyEnvVar is "MY_GATEWAY_API_AUTH_SECRET", and the contents of the environment variable CUSTOMCONNSTR_API_AUTH_SECRET used for "https://myinnereyeinference.azurewebsites.net" is MYINFERENCELICENSEKEY then set this environment variable with the PowerShell command, running as administrator:


To Build The Gateway

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Download the DICOM tools using the PowerShell script in Getting Started.

  3. Open the project solution file ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/Microsoft.Gateway.sln in Visual Studio 2019.

  4. Set the project platform to x64.

  5. Build the Solution.

To Run The Tests

  1. Build the gateway.

  2. For end to end tests:

    python InnerEye/ML/runner.py --azureml=True --model=PassThroughModel
  3. Make sure the testing Default Processor Architecture is set to x64. This can be checked by navigating to Test > Test Settings > Default Process Architecture

  4. The tests can be executed from Visual Studio 2019 by navigating to Test > Windows > Test Explorer.

  5. All the available tests will be visible in the Test Explorer.

  6. A test can be executed by right clicking on the test and selecting the Run Selected Tests option.

  7. To execute all the available tests, click on the Run All link in the Test Explorer.

  8. The log for the test execution can be found in the Output window.

To Run The Gateway

  1. The gateway uses multiple startup projects: Microsoft.InnerEye.Listener.Processor and Microsoft.InnerEye.Listener.Receiver. Configure this in Visual Studio by right clicking on the Solution in Solution Explorer and selecting "Set Startup Projects...". Click the radio button "Multiple startup projects" and for the projects above select "Start" in the "Action" combo box.

  2. Check the configuration settings for Microsoft.InnerEye.Listener.Processor in ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/SampleConfigurations/GatewayProcessorConfig.json. More details are in Processor Configuration, but the most important parameters to check are in ProcessorSettings:

    • InferenceUri is the Uri for the InnerEye-Inference web service from Getting Started. See License Keys for more details.

    • LicenseKeyEnvVar is the name of the environment variable which contains the license key for the InnerEye-Inference web service at InferenceUri. See License Keys for more details.

  3. Check the configuration settings for Microsoft.InnerEye.Listener.Receiver in ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/SampleConfigurations/GatewayReceiveConfig.json. More details are in Receiver Configuration, but the most important parameter to check is:

    • Port in GatewayDicomEndPoint in ReceiveServiceConfig - holds the IP port the receiver service listens on.
  4. Check the configuration settings for the application entity models in the folder ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/SampleConfigurations/GatewayModelRulesConfig. The configuration may be split across multiple JSON files, if desired, and the configuration will be merged. The structure of these files is that each must contain an array of the form:

    "CallingAET": << Calling application entity title >>,
    "CalledAET": << Called application entity title >>,
    "AETConfig": {
      "Config": {
        "AETConfigType": << One of "Model", "ModelDryRun", or "ModelWithResultDryRun" >>
        "ModelsConfig": [
            "ModelId": << Model id for model in inference service, e.g. "PassThroughModel:3" >>,
            "ChannelConstraints": [ << Array of channel constraints >> ],
            "TagReplacements": [ << Array of tag replacements >> ]
      "Destination": << Destination >>,
      "ShouldReturnImage": << Return image flag >>

All JSON files in this folder are loaded and parsed. If the same CallingAET and CalledAET are found in more than one instance then the ModelsConfig arrays are concatenated to create one instance sharing all the other properties (which are taken from the first instance found). More details are in Model Configuration.


The gateway runs as two applications or services configured with JSON files. The two applications communicate, and operate internally, using message queues built on Sqlite.


To edit this, see: Rebuild Diagram.

Receiver Application

The first application is Microsoft.InnerEye.Listener.Receiver. This create a DICOM server that listens on an IP port for incoming DICOM communications and stores requests that are accepted on a message queue. This is configured in Receiver Configuration.

In detail, this:

  1. Starts a DICOM server that listens for incoming DICOM messages.

  2. On a DICOM Association Request, checks against the configured acceptable SOP classes and their transfer syntaxes.

  3. On a DICOM C-Store Request, stores the incoming DICOM image file to a subfolder of the RootDicomFolder. There will be one of these for each image slice.

  4. On a DICOM Association Release Request, puts a new message on the Upload message queue with details of the DICOM Association and location of the files.

Processor Application

The second application is Microsoft.InnerEye.Listener.Processor. This waits for messages on the Upload message queue from the Receiver Application. When a new message is received it: copies and anonymises the received DICOM images, sends them to the InnerEye-Inference web service, waits and then downloads the resulting DICOM-RT file. This is then de-anonymised and sent on to the configured destination.

This is configured in Processor Configuration.

In detail, this starts 4 worker tasks: the Delete Service, Download Service, Push Service, and Upload Service, which communicate using the message queues: Delete, Download, Push, and Upload.

Upload Service

This service watches the Upload message queue for messages from the Receiver application that indicate a DICOM request has completed. When a new message is received it:

  1. Tries to find an application entity model configured with the matching CalledAET and CallingAET (Model Configuration).

  2. If there is a corresponding model and it is set to Model or ModelWithResultDryRun:

    a. Reads the received DICOM image files from the subfolder of the RootDicomFolder.

    b. Groups the DICOM image files by Study Instance UID, and then grouped by Series Instance UID.

    c. Compares each group with each channel config until a set of filtered DICOM image files matches the constraints in the channel config.

    d. Copies the image data and only the required DICOM tags to a set of new images, anonymises the remaining DICOM tags.

    e. Zips the images and POSTs them to the InnerEye-Inference web service.

    f. If the model ShouldReturnImage is set then copies all sent data to either the Results or DryRunModelWithResultFolder subfolders of the RootDicomFolder.

    g. Creates a new message on the Download queue for this web service request.

    h. Creates a new message on the Delete queue to delete the received DICOM image files.

  3. If there is a corresponding model and it is set to ModelDryRun:

    a. Reads the received DICOM image files from the subfolder of the RootDicomFolder.

    b. Anonymises the DICOM tags.

    c. Saves the anonymised image files to the DryRunModelAnonymizedImage subfolder of the RootDicomFolder.

    d. Creates a new message on the Delete queue to delete the received image files.

  4. If there is no correspond model then:

    a. Creates a new message on the Delete queue to delete the received image files.

Download Service

This service watches the Download message queue for messages from the Upload Service that indicate a set of DICOM files have been sent to the InnerEye-Inference web service. When a new message is received it:

  1. Waits for the InnerEye-Inference web service to perform segmentation then downloads the resulting DICOM-RT file.

  2. De-anonymises the DICOM-RT file using data from the original received DICOM image files.

  3. Saves the de-anonymised file to either the Results or DryRunModelWithResultFolder subfolders of the RootDicomFolder.

  4. If this is not ModelWithResultDryRun then creates a new message on the Push message queue.

Push Service

This service watches the Push message queue for messages from the Download Service that indicate that a DICOM-RT file has been downloaded from the InnerEye-Inference web service. When a new message is received it:

  1. Tries to find an application entity model configured with the matching CalledAET and CallingAET (Model Configuration).

  2. Reads the de-anonymised DICOM-RT file from the Results subfolder of the RootDicomFolder.

  3. Sends them to the DICOM Destination as set in the application entity model.

  4. Creates a new message on the Delete queue to delete the received DICOM-RT file.

Delete Service

This service watches the Delete message queue for messages from the other services. If it receives a message it will delete the specified files or folders.


The process for handling DICOM files is:

  1. The Receiver Application saves the incoming DICOM files directly to a subfolder of RootDicomFolder and passes a message to the Upload Service.

  2. The Upload Service loads the DICOM files and makes a copy of each file in memory (discarding the image data), as reference images for de-anonymisation later. The following tags are kept, along with the tags mentioned below:

// Patient module

// Study module
  1. The Upload Service loads the DICOM files again and makes a second copy of each file in memory, performing the following transformations to the DICOM tags:

a. The following tags are kept unchanged:

// Geometry

// Modality

// UIDs

// RT
// RT DicomFrameOfReference

// RT DicomRTContour

// RT DicomRTContourImageItem

// RT DicomRTContourItem

// RT DicomRTObservation

// RT DicomRTReferencedStudy

// RT DicomRTStructureSet

// RT DicomRTStructureSetROI

b. The following DICOM tags are replaced with a hash of their value:

// UIDs

// RT
// RT DicomFrameOfReference

// RT DicomRTContourImageItem

// RT DicomRTStructureSet

// RT DicomRTStructureSetROI

c. All other tags are discarded.

d. The transformed DICOM image files are then zipped before sending to the InnerEye-Inference web service.

  1. After the Download Service downloads the DICOM-RT file it performs the following de-anonymisation transformations to the DICOM-RT file:

a. The first set of tags


are copied from the first reference image.

b. All the tags that have been hashed are replaced with tags from the reference images.

c. Model configured tag transformations are applied, to either replace a tag entirely or append some fixed text.


Common Configuration

Both applications share some common configuration.

The InnerEye-Gateway repeatedly checks if its configuration files have been modified, to ensure that it can be updated without interrupting the DICOM processing. This is configured with ConfigurationServiceConfig. The algorithm behind this is that each ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds the application will check connectivity to the InnerEye-Inference service (for the Processor service) and check for changes to the configuration files. If ConfigCreationDateTime is different to the last loaded configuration file and ApplyConfigDateTime is past then the application will effectively restart with the new configuration.

  "ServiceSettings": {
    "RunAsConsole": boolean
  << service specific configuration >>,
  "ConfigurationServiceConfig": {
    "ConfigCreationDateTime": date/time,
    "ApplyConfigDateTime": date/time,
    "ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds": number

For example:

  "ServiceSettings": {
    "RunAsConsole": true
  << service specific configuration >>,
  "ConfigurationServiceConfig": {
    "ConfigCreationDateTime": "2020-05-31T20:14:51",
    "ApplyConfigDateTime": "2020-05-31T20:14:51",
    "ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds": 60


  • RunAsConsole if true means that this application runs as a normal console application, otherwise it runs as a windows service. This can be used for debugging or testing.

  • ConfigCreationDateTime is the date and time that this configuration was created. It does not need to be exact, because it is only used to identify when the file has been edited.

  • ApplyConfigDateTime is the date and time that this configuration should be applied.

  • ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds is the time in seconds the application will wait between checks if a new configuration file is available.

Processor Configuration

The processor application is configured by ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/SampleConfigurations/GatewayProcessorConfig.json.

The structure of this configuration file is:

  "ServiceSettings": {
    "RunAsConsole": boolean
  "ProcessorSettings": {
    "LicenseKeyEnvVar": string,
    "InferenceUri": string
  "DequeueServiceConfig": {
    "MaximumQueueMessageAgeSeconds": number,
    "DeadLetterMoveFrequencySeconds": number
  "DownloadServiceConfig": {
    "DownloadRetryTimespanInSeconds": number,
    "DownloadWaitTimeoutInSeconds": number
  "ConfigurationServiceConfig": {
    "ConfigCreationDateTime": date/time,
    "ApplyConfigDateTime": date/time,
    "ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds": number

For example:

  "ServiceSettings": {
    "RunAsConsole": true
  "ProcessorSettings": {
    "InferenceUri": "https://myinnereyeinference.azurewebsites.net"
  "DequeueServiceConfig": {
    "MaximumQueueMessageAgeSeconds": 100,
    "DeadLetterMoveFrequencySeconds": 1
  "DownloadServiceConfig": {
    "DownloadRetryTimespanInSeconds": 5,
    "DownloadWaitTimeoutInSeconds": 3600
  "ConfigurationServiceConfig": {
    "ConfigCreationDateTime": "2020-05-31T20:14:51",
    "ApplyConfigDateTime": "2020-05-31T20:14:51",
    "ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds": 60


  • ServiceSettings and ConfigurationServiceConfig are as above.

  • InferenceUri is the Uri for the InnerEye-Inference web service from Getting Started. See License Keys for more details.

  • LicenseKeyEnvVar is the name of the environment variable which contains the license key for the InnerEye-Inference web service at InferenceUri. See License Keys for more details.

  • MaximumQueueMessageAgeSeconds is an internal message queue setting - the maximum time in seconds a message may spend in a queue before being automatically deleted.

  • DeadLetterMoveFrequencySeconds is another internal message queue setting - if there is an error processing a message then it will be moved to a Dead letter queue and this is the time in seconds before moving messages back from the dead letter queue to the normal queue.

  • DownloadRetryTimespanInSeconds is the delay in seconds between attempts to download the completed segmentation from the InnerEye-Inference service.

  • DownloadWaitTimeoutInSeconds is the maximum time in seconds to wait whilst attempting to download the completed segmentation.

Receiver Configuration

The receiver application is configured by ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/SampleConfigurations/GatewayReceiveConfig.json and also by model configuration files in the folder ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/SampleConfigurations/GatewayModelRulesConfig. The model configuration is explained below: Model Configuration.

The structure of GatewayReceiveConfig.json configuration file is:

  "ServiceSettings": {
    "RunAsConsole": boolean
  "ReceiveServiceConfig": {
    "GatewayDicomEndPoint": {
      "Title": string,
      "Port": number,
      "Ip": string
    "RootDicomFolder": string,
    "AcceptedSopClassesAndTransferSyntaxesUIDs": object of the form {
      string: array of strings,
      string: array of strings,
      string: array of strings,
  "ConfigurationServiceConfig": {
    "ConfigCreationDateTime": date/time,
    "ApplyConfigDateTime": date/time,
    "ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds": number

For example:

  "ServiceSettings": {
    "RunAsConsole": true
  "ReceiveServiceConfig": {
    "GatewayDicomEndPoint": {
      "Title": "GATEWAY",
      "Port": 111,
      "Ip": "localhost"
    "RootDicomFolder": "C:\\InnerEyeGateway\\",
    "AcceptedSopClassesAndTransferSyntaxesUIDs": {
      "1.2.840.10008.1.1": [ "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1", "1.2.840.10008.1.2" ],
      "1.2.840.10008.": [ "1.2.840.10008.1.2", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1" ],
      "1.2.840.10008.": [ "1.2.840.10008.1.2", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1", "1.2.840.10008.", "1.2.840.10008.", "1.2.840.10008.", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.5" ],
      "1.2.840.10008.": [ "1.2.840.10008.1.2", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1", "1.2.840.10008.", "1.2.840.10008.", "1.2.840.10008.", "1.2.840.10008.1.2.5" ]
  "ConfigurationServiceConfig": {
    "ConfigCreationDateTime": "2018-07-25T20:14:51.539351Z",
    "ApplyConfigDateTime": "2018-07-25T20:14:51.539351Z",
    "ConfigurationRefreshDelaySeconds": 60


  • ServiceSettings and ConfigurationServiceConfig are as above.

  • ReceiveServiceConfig.GatewayDicomEndPoint.Title is only used for testing, but must be supplied.

  • ReceiveServiceConfig.GatewayDicomEndPoint.Port is the IP port the DICOM server will listen for DICOM messages on.

  • ReceiveServiceConfig.GatewayDicomEndPoint.Ip is also only used for testing, but must be supplied.

  • RootDicomFolder is the folder to be used for temporarily storing DICOM files.

  • AcceptedSopClassesAndTransferSyntaxesUIDs is a dictionary of DICOM Service-Object Pair (SOP) Classes and Transfer Syntax UIDs that the application supports. Here:

    • "1.2.840.10008.1.1" is the Verification SOP Class
    • "1.2.840.10008." is Radiation Therapy Structure Set Storage.
    • "1.2.840.10008." is CT Image Storage
    • "1.2.840.10008." is MR Image Storage

    For each of these SOPs there is a list of supported Transfer Syntax UIDs. For example:

    • "1.2.840.10008.1.2" is Implicit VR Endian: Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM.
    • "1.2.840.10008." is a type of JPEG.

Model Configuration

The application entity models are configured in the folder ./Source/Microsoft.Gateway/SampleConfigurations/GatewayModelRulesConfig. The configuration may be split across multiple JSON files, if desired, and the configuration will be merged. The structure of these files is that each must contain an array of the form:

[ array of application entity model config objects of the form:
    "CallingAET": string,
    "CalledAET": string,
    "AETConfig": {
      "Config": {
        "AETConfigType": string, one of "Model", "ModelDryRun", or "ModelWithResultDryRun"
        "ModelsConfig": [ array of models config objects of the form:
            "ModelId": string,
            "ChannelConstraints": [ array of channel constraints objects ],
            "TagReplacements": [ array of tag replacements objects ]
      "Destination": {
        "Title": string,
        "Port": number,
        "Ip": string
      "ShouldReturnImage": boolean

For example:

    "CallingAET": "RADIOMICS_APP",
    "CalledAET": "PassThroughModel",
    "AETConfig": {
      "Config": {
        "AETConfigType": "Model",
        "ModelsConfig": [
            "ModelId": "PassThroughModel:3",
            "ChannelConstraints": [
                "ChannelID": "ct",
                "ImageFilter": {
                  "Constraints": [
                      "RequirementLevel": "PresentNotEmpty",
                      "Constraint": {
                        "Function": {
                          "Order": "Equal",
                          "Value": {
                            "Value": "1.2.840.10008.",
                            "ComparisonType": 0
                          "Ordinal": 0
                        "Index": {
                          "Group": 8,
                          "Element": 22
                        "discriminator": "UIDStringOrderConstraint"
                      "discriminator": "RequiredTagConstraint"
                  "Op": "And",
                  "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
                "ChannelConstraints": {
                  "Constraints": [
                      "RequirementLevel": "PresentNotEmpty",
                      "Constraint": {
                        "Function": {
                          "Order": "Equal",
                          "Value": {
                            "Value": "1.2.840.10008.",
                            "ComparisonType": 0
                          "Ordinal": 0
                        "Index": {
                          "Group": 8,
                          "Element": 22
                        "discriminator": "UIDStringOrderConstraint"
                      "discriminator": "RequiredTagConstraint"
                  "Op": "And",
                  "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
                "MinChannelImages": 50,
                "MaxChannelImages": 1000
            "TagReplacements": [
                "Operation": "UpdateIfExists",
                "DicomTagIndex": {
                  "Group": 12294,
                  "Element": 2
                "Value": "InnerEye"
                "Operation": "AppendIfExists",
                "DicomTagIndex": {
                  "Group": 12294,
                  "Element": 38
                "Value": " NOT FOR CLINICAL USE"
      "Destination": {
        "Title": "RADIOMICS_APP",
        "Port": 104,
        "Ip": ""
      "ShouldReturnImage": false


  • CallingAET is the calling application entity title to be matched.

  • CalledAET is the called application entity title to be matched.

  • AETConfig consists of three parts:

    • Config consists of the pair:

      • AETConfigType is one of "Model", "ModelDryRun", or "ModelWithResultDryRun". "Model" is the normal case, the other two are for debugging. "ModelDryRun" means that the received DICOM image files will be anonymised and saved to the DryRunModelAnonymizedImage subfolder of RootDicomFolder. "ModelWithResultDryRun" means almost the same as "Model" except that the DICOM-RT file is downloaded to the DryRunRTResultDeAnonymized subfolder of RootDicomFolder and it is not pushed to a DICOM destination.

      • ModelsConfig is an array of ModelsConfig objects, described below.

    • Destination is where to send the resulting DICOM-RT file, consisting of:

      • Title is the destination application entity title,

      • Port is the destination application entity port,

      • Ip is the destination IP addres.

    • ShouldReturnImage is true if the original received DICOM image files should be returned when InnerEye-Inference service is complete, false otherwise.


Each model config has the following structure:

  "ModelId": string,
  "ChannelConstraints": [ array of objects of the form
      "ChannelID": string,
      "ImageFilter": {
        "Constraints": [ array of constraints ],
        "Op": string, one of "And" or "Or",
        "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
      "ChannelConstraints": {
        "Constraints": [ array of constraints ],
        "Op": string, one of "And" or "Or",
        "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
      "MinChannelImages": number,
      "MaxChannelImages": number
  "TagReplacements": [ array of objects of the form:
      "Operation": string, one of "UpdateIfExists" or "AppendIfExists",
      "DicomTagIndex": {
        "Group": number,
        "Element": number
      "Value": string

For example:

  "ModelId": "PassThroughModel:3",
  "ChannelConstraints": [
      "ChannelID": "ct",
      "ImageFilter": {
        "Constraints": [
            "RequirementLevel": "PresentNotEmpty",
            "Constraint": {
              "Function": {
                "Order": "Equal",
                "Value": {
                  "Value": "1.2.840.10008.",
                  "ComparisonType": 0
                "Ordinal": 0
              "Index": {
                "Group": 8,
                "Element": 22
              "discriminator": "UIDStringOrderConstraint"
            "discriminator": "RequiredTagConstraint"
        "Op": "And",
        "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
      "ChannelConstraints": {
        "Constraints": [
            "RequirementLevel": "PresentNotEmpty",
            "Constraint": {
              "Function": {
                "Order": "Equal",
                "Value": {
                  "Value": "1.2.840.10008.",
                  "ComparisonType": 0
                "Ordinal": 0
              "Index": {
                "Group": 8,
                "Element": 22
              "discriminator": "UIDStringOrderConstraint"
            "discriminator": "RequiredTagConstraint"
        "Op": "And",
        "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
      "MinChannelImages": 50,
      "MaxChannelImages": 1000
  "TagReplacements": [
      "Operation": "UpdateIfExists",
      "DicomTagIndex": {
        "Group": 12294,
        "Element": 2
      "Value": "InnerEye"
      "Operation": "AppendIfExists",
      "DicomTagIndex": {
        "Group": 12294,
        "Element": 38
      "Value": " NOT FOR CLINICAL USE"


  • ModelId is the model identifier that is passed to the InnerEye-Inference service.

  • ChannelConstraints is an array of ChannelConstraint that are applied to the received DICOM image files. The algorithm here is that:

    • The image files are first grouped by Study Instance UID (which must exist), and then grouped by Series Instance UID (which must also exist)

    • For each group of shared Study and Series Instance UIDs: the channel constraints for each ModelsConfig are applied in order to the image group. If there is a match then the matching ModelsConfig and image group are then used. The channel constraints are explained below.

  • TagReplacements is a list of DICOM tag replacements that are performed for DICOM-RT file de-anonymisation. The algorithm here is during de-anonymisation to work through all the TagReplacements:

    • If the file contains the tag as specified in DicomTagIndex:

      • If the Operation is "UpdateIfExists" then replace the existing tag with Value;

      • If the Operation is "AppendIfExists" then append Value to the existing tag.


Each channel constraint has the form:

  "ChannelID": string,
  "ImageFilter": {
    "Constraints": [ array of constraints ],
    "Op": string, one of "And" or "Or",
    "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
  "ChannelConstraints": {
    "Constraints": [ array of constraints ],
    "Op": string, one of "And" or "Or",
    "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"
  "MinChannelImages": number,
  "MaxChannelImages": number


  • ChannelID is the id of the channel. It is used in the zip file sent to the InnerEye-Inference service.

  • ImageFilter is a GroupConstraint used to filter the DICOM image files before applying the constraints. This selects a subset of images from the same series by filtering unwanted data e.g. extraneous sop classes.

  • ChannelConstraints is a GroupConstraint used on the images that have passed through ImageFilter.

  • MinChannelImages is the minimum number of files required for this channel. Use 0 or less to impose no constraint. This is the inclusive lower bound for the number of filtered images.

  • MaxChannelImages is the maximum number of files allowed for this channel. Use 0 or less to impose no maximum constraint. This is the inclusive upper bound for the number of filtered images.


There are many types of DicomConstraint. So they can be identified when loading the JSON they are all of the form:

  << constraint specific data >>,
  "discriminator": string


  • discriminator identifies the DicomConstraint type.

These are split into two groups. The first group contains GroupConstraint and RequiredTagConstraint and are sort of container objects. The second group are all instances of DicomTagConstraint which specify a DICOM tag and a constraint to be applied.


This constraint acts as a container for a set of other constraints that must either all pass, or at least one of them must pass.

  "Constraints": [ array of constraints ],
  "Op": string, one of "And" or "Or",
  "discriminator": "GroupConstraint"


  • Constraints is an array of DicomConstraint.

  • Op controls whether all constraints ("And") must be met, or at least one of them ("Or").

  • discriminator is as DicomConstraint.


This constraint acts as a container for a tag constraint and a requirement on the tag.

  "RequirementLevel": string, one of "PresentNotEmpty", "PresentCanBeEmpty", or "Optional", 
  "Constraint": a dicom tag constraint object,
  "discriminator": "RequiredTagConstraint"

For example:

  "RequirementLevel": "PresentNotEmpty",
  "Constraint": {
    "Function": {
      "Order": "Equal",
      "Value": {
        "Value": "1.2.840.10008.",
        "ComparisonType": 0
      "Ordinal": 0
    "Index": {
      "Group": 8,
      "Element": 22
    "discriminator": "UIDStringOrderConstraint"
  "discriminator": "RequiredTagConstraint"


  • RequirementLevel means:

    • "PresentNotEmpty" - the tag must be present and the conditions on the tag must pass.

    • "PresentCanBeEmpty" - the tag must be present and the conditions must pass when the tag is non-empty.

    • "Optional" - the tag does not need to be present but the condition must pass if the tag is present and non-empty.

  • Constraint is any DicomTagConstraint.

  • discriminator is as DicomConstraint.


This group of DICOM constraints operate on a DICOM tag. They are all of the form:

  << tag constraint specific data >>,
  "Index": {
    "Group": number,
    "Element": number
  "discriminator": string


  • Index identifies the target DICOM tag.

  • discriminator is as DicomConstraint.


This acts as a container for a set of constraints and a DICOM tag that the constraints apply to.

  "Group": group constraint object,
  "Index": {
    "Group": number,
    "Element": number
  "discriminator": "GroupTagConstraint"



This constraint tests that a DICOM tag contains a given value.

  "Match": string,
  "Ordinal": number,
  "Index": {
    "Group": number,
    "Element": number
  "discriminator": "StringContainsConstraint"

For example:

  "Match": "AXIAL",
  "Ordinal": -1,
  "Index": {
    "Group": 8,
    "Element": 8
  "discriminator": "StringContainsConstraint"


  • Match is the string that the DICOM tag should contain.

  • Ordinal is the ordinal to extract from the tag or -1 to extract all.

  • Index is as DicomTagConstraint.

  • discriminator is as DicomConstraint.


This constraint contains a regular expression and a tag to test against.

  "Expression": string, a regular expression, suitable for the Regex constructor from .NET System.Text.RegularExpressions,
  "Options": number, one of the RegexOptions from .NET System.Text.RegularExpressions,
  "Ordinal": number,
  "Index": {
    "Group": number,
    "Element": number
  "discriminator": "RegexConstraint"


OrderedDateTimeConstraint, OrderedDoubleConstraint, OrderedIntConstraint, OrderedStringConstraint

These contain an ordering function and a DICOM tag that the ordering function applies to.

  "Function": {
    "Order": string, one of "Never", "LessThan", "Equal", "LessThanOrEqual", "GreaterThan", "NotEqual", "Always",
    "Value": object, one of date/time, number, or for strings {
      "Value": string,
      "ComparisonType": number, 0 for case sensitive string comparisons, 1 for case insensitive.
    "Ordinal": 0
  "Index": {
    "Group": number,
    "Element": number
  "discriminator": string, one of "OrderedDateTimeConstraint", "OrderedDoubleConstraint", "OrderedIntConstraint", "OrderedStringConstraint"

For example:

  "Function": {
    "Order": "Equal",
    "Value": {
      "Value": "HEAD",
      "ComparisonType": 0
    "Ordinal": 0
  "Index": {
    "Group": 24,
    "Element": 21
  "discriminator": "OrderedStringConstraint"


  • Function is the ordering function to apply to the DICOM tag.

    • Order is the required relation between the supplied Value and the value of the DICOM tag.

    • Value is the value to test the DICOM tag against.

    • Ordinal is the ordinal to extract from the tag or -1 to extract all.

  • Index is as DicomTagConstraint.

  • discriminator is as DicomConstraint.


This is a variant of the OrderedDateTimeConstraint etc, but contains a constraint for a DICOM UID tag.

  "Function": {
    "Order": string, order as above,
    "Value": {
      "Value": string,
      "ComparisonType": number, as above
    "Ordinal": number
  "Index": {
    "Group": number,
    "Element": number
  "discriminator": "UIDStringOrderConstraint"

For example:

  "Function": {
    "Order": "Equal",
    "Value": {
      "Value": "1.2.840.10008.",
      "ComparisonType": 0
    "Ordinal": 0
  "Index": {
    "Group": 8,
    "Element": 22
  "discriminator": "UIDStringOrderConstraint"

Where the Function and Index are as above, except that the constraint test is applied to a DICOM UID tag.


This is a variant of the OrderedDateTimeConstraint etc, but for a tag of TM value representation.

  "Function": {
    "Order": string, order as above,
    "Value": number, a TimeSpan in .NET Timespan serialization format,
    "Ordinal": number
  "Index": {
    "Group": number,
    "Element": number
  "discriminator": "TimeOrderConstraint"

For example:

  "Function": {
    "Order": "GreaterThanOrEqual",
    "Value": "16:05:42.7380000",
    "Ordinal": 0
  "Index": {
    "Group": 25447,
    "Element": 60116
  "discriminator": "TimeOrderConstraint"

Where the Function and Index are as above, except that the constraint test is applied to a DICOM tag TimeOfDay property.


MIT License

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